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In a New York Minute
All it takes is a New York minute. A business exec taking time out to give bi-lingual train directions to a woman in need; a bureaucrat and tattoo parlor owner sharing a light moment in the elevator; a man discovering his stolen bike and then loaning it to the rider for the day; an ex-pat New Yorker living in Hawaii discovering a most unlikely connection between homes old and new. In the fast pace... posted on Nov 19, 1461 reads

What Makes A Hero?
Patrick Burke had never wanted to follow in the footsteps of his firefighter dad and brother, but he jumped into an icy lake to rescue a 9-year-old and her father, whose all-terrain vehicle crashed through ice. "I'm not that type of heroic person," said Burke. "If you had heard that girl's voice . . . it was my daughter's voice." Experts say it makes sense that everyday heroes don't stop and think... posted on Sep 25, 3230 reads

237 Kids
The walls and tabletops in Roger and Imogene Gorsuch's home are lined with photos of their children — all 237 of them. After 45 years as foster parents, taking in mostly infants and toddlers of many nationalities and skin colors, the 86-year-old couple has decided to call it quits. "It was nothing spectacular. All we did was just keep children," said Mrs. Gorsuch.... posted on Dec 15, 1113 reads

Cell Phones For Soldiers
For all the billions of dollars being spent on the war in Iraq, 14-year-old Brittany Bergquist is surprised that the U.S. military doesn't do what she and her little brother are doing: helping soldiers phone home free. With $14 from their piggy banks, she and 12-year-old brother Robbie started Cell Phones for Soldiers. In less than nine months, the organization has provided $250,000 worth of pre... posted on Dec 30, 1120 reads

Fruits of Love
With the hullabaloo of the December holidays over, food donations at the Second Harvest Food Bank have dwindled. But one child has stepped forward to provide the fruits of California's winter. Jacob Olian, 8, dreamed up the plan to collect the oranges, grapefruits, tangerines and lemons from people's backyards and give them to the food bank. Jacob typed up a flyer that read “Got Fruit?” and a... posted on Feb 11, 947 reads

A Path with Art
In 1963, Bill Strickland was a 16-year old kid struggling to survive in a decaying Pittsburgh neighborhood until one afternoon he peered into an open classroom door and saw something he'd never saw before, a mound of clay being worked into a vessel by a man absorbed in his work. That teacher mentored Strickland, and put him on a path that lead him not only to college and out of poverty, but also t... posted on Feb 26, 1345 reads

The explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power station in 1986 that spewed 190 tons of highly radioactive uranium into the atmosphere over the Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus, has left a legacy of cancer and hardship for 3-4 million children. For the past 15 years, Adi Roche of the Chernobyl Children’s Project International has worked tirelessly in creating the medical programs to help children like... posted on Mar 11, 1158 reads

Magic Pill
In the bottle before you is a pill, a marvel of modern medicine that will regulate gene transcription throughout your body, helping prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and 12 kinds of cancer. Your bones will become stronger. You'll grow new capillaries in your heart, your skeletal muscles, and your brain, improving blood flow and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients. Your attention s... posted on Mar 23, 1456 reads

Nursing Home
Dr. Bill Thomas is a dynamic gerontologist with the unwavering belief that the nursing-home industry should be about creating spaces and services for living, not dying. His nonprofit company, Eden Alternative, "deinstitutionalizes" dreary facilities by introducing pets, plants, children, and dramatic cultural change to create enlivening environments and eliminate the plagues of loneliness, helples... posted on Mar 30, 1161 reads

Surf Aid
Four years ago, physician and surfer Dr. Dave Jenkins chartered a luxury yacht in the Mentawai Islands with one goal in mind: to find perfect waves. What he also found, though, were the Mentawai islanders---mostly women and children-–-suffering and dying from the ravages of malaria and other preventable diseases. In response, Dr. Jenkins establish SurfAid International, a non-profit organization... posted on Apr 19, 859 reads

The Eagle & The Condor
Indigenous tribes in the Andes have long predicted a period of great imbalance in which the highly intellectual and material Eagle people would wipe out the spiritual and heart-centered “Condor” people to the edge of extinction until a new era was born with the Eagle and the Condor flying together. This myth is at the heart of the Pachamama Alliance, in which the Achuar people of Peru are lear... posted on May 20, 1098 reads

Green Empowerment
They’ve trekked days through South American jungles with packing mules, made dodgy border crossings to war-torn Burma, and were one of the first groups in Afghanistan after 9/11, all to bring renewable electricity and water services to remote communities. Green Empowerment’s projects can drastically improve the life of a village by sparking a local economy that provides livelihood, financial i... posted on May 14, 2398 reads

Not So Big House
The square feet of the average US home has nearly tripled in the last 40 years, consuming massive quantities of land, building products, and infrastructure; and making the American home one of the biggest environmental threats to the planet. Architect Sarah Susanka has been turning the heads of designers, developers, and homebuyers with the message that it's not the square feet people want, but we... posted on Jun 4, 1602 reads

Empty Pockets, Full Heart
Richard Semmler, a 59-year-old math professor, lives simply so that he may give generously. Over the last 35 years, by working part-time jobs and forgoing such everyday comforts as a home telephone and vacations, by living in an efficiency apartment and driving an old car, Semmler has donated as much as half of his annual income. Over his life he has given away $700,000 and plans to give $1 milli... posted on Jul 1, 1353 reads

Parrots of Telegraph Hill
The Parrots of Telegraph Hill dance, play, and sing with Mark Bittner, eating right out of his hands. The former musician is a modern St. Francis of Assisi and his relationship with and observations of the cherry-headed conures of San Francisco have attracted the attention of experts and inspired people worldwide. ... posted on Jul 7, 1133 reads

The Abolitionist
Kailash Satyarthi has saved tens of thousands of lives in India. At the age of 26 he gave up a promising career as an electrical engineer and dedicate himself to an original and daring idea; mounting raids on factories — factories frequently manned by armed guards — where children and often entire families were held captive as bonded workers. After successfully freeing and rehabilitating thous... posted on Jul 14, 790 reads

MBA in Meditation
In juvenile halls, high schools, and group homes, the Mind Body Awareness Project works with at-risk teenagers whose habitual behaviors are leading them down a road of substance abuse, crime and violence. Using meditation and yoga, these kids are creating the possibility to transform negative emotions into positive social action and a healthy future.... posted on Jul 19, 865 reads

We've all probably thought, "If I just had more money, the world and our lives would be better." Bernard Lietaer, a business professor and former banker, recommends another way of looking at money, by immersing ourselves in the meaning of money. We can start by asking ourselves how much time we spend earning money or managing and spending the money we've earned. What is this thing that we expend ... posted on Sep 3, 2859 reads

People's Grocery
West Oakland, California, is a junk food oasis. The 25,000 resident neighborhood has 36 convenience and liquor stores to buy over-priced beer and candy in, but just one supermarket in which to buy fresh produce. That was until a group of social entreprenuers opened "The People's Grocery" to deliver locally grown food into the neighborhood and provide a thriving center for jobs, economic empowermen... posted on Sep 8, 1533 reads

Fountain of Youth
Want a wonder anti-aging drug to keep your mind sharp, and prevent dementia? It’s as easy as walking. Recent studies on aging confirm that exercise increases the production of key brain chemicals which encourage the growth of brain and nerve cells and the development of new neural connections. In contrast, stress and social isolation act to age the brain. ... posted on Sep 10, 1572 reads

Operation Katrina
Hurricane Katrina not only ripped apart houses, but families as well and there are still hundreds of people missing. Operation Connect Katrina is an online service that provides lists of the missing that anyone can download and conduct searches to find and reunite the missing with their friends and families. So far 124 missing people have been found through efforts of Operation Connect Katrina's d... posted on Sep 30, 1306 reads

Peace in a Time of War
The border between the nuclear powers of Pakistan and India not only cuts across the land, but also fills its people's hearts with fear of war and armageddon. On Sept 27th, the BBC attempted to transcend that border with technology and music in a live concert for peace linking Karachi & Bombay. The live satellite link allowed Pakistan's legendary singer Abida Parveen to sing with her Indian counte... posted on Oct 6, 1296 reads

Desert Rose
San Francisco's Bayview-Hunters Point is a tough neighborhood; besides its notorious gang violence, the pollution that is spewed by the surrounded freeways, power plant, and Naval shipyard, have resulted in high levels of asthma, cancer, and birth-defects among its residents. 19-year-old La Constance Shahid is working to heal the land by inspiring young residents to raise the native plants that ... posted on Oct 10, 1060 reads

How did the backwater town of Curitiba Brazil become a model for city planning? Much of it started with the vision and daring of its young architect mayor in the 1970's, Jaime Lerner.

When Curitiba's central street, Rua Quinze-was scheduled to be obliterated with an overpass, Lerner insisted instead that it should become a pedestrian mall, however there was no real way to convince ... posted on Nov 25, 985 reads

The Gift
After witnessing a friend survive Lupus thanks to a generous marrow donor, Brooks Dame became inspired to " help someone out with a small little miracle of their own” and signed up to be a bone marrow donor, a painful and dangerous procedure. A year later Brooks received a call that a match was found; a 30 year old man with a wife and kids was desperately fighting Leukemia. Nervous, but buoyed ... posted on Jan 28, 1366 reads

Rain Garden
When rain falls on impervious surfaces, such as roads, it absorbs contaminates as it drains away into waterways. UK researchers have found that rain gardens, a shallow depression in a garden containing bark much and shrubs, can remove up to 99% of these toxins. As the world's population urbanizes and cities continue to grow, rain gardens can be a viable, beautiful, and inexpensive solution to poll... posted on Feb 4, 1816 reads

Rugmark International
Rugmark International was founded in 1994 to eliminate child labor in carpet manufacturing. In Nepal, Pakistan and India, the organization monitors factories, certifies carpets made without child labor, and rescues and educates child laborers. In consumer countries, it seeks to create market preference for certified rugs, which could result in the rescue of thousands of children from forced labor ... posted on Feb 26, 1320 reads

A Small Hero
When his mom rolled off the bed and hit the floor, 8-year-old Jacob Clini knew three things: she was not moving, she needed help and he had to find a telephone. Remembering what his teachers and his cousin had told him about 911, Jacob picked up the phone, punched in the three numbers and saved his mother's life.... posted on May 1, 1987 reads

Assisting Discovery
For 24 years, National Award Winning teacher, Rafe Esquith has continued to work at Hobart Elementary, an inner-city school in Los Angeles. Hobart is the second largest elementary school in the country and 90% of its students live below the poverty line. Esquith's unorthodox teaching methods push these kids past their limitations: His ten-year olds volunteer to show up at 6:30 in the morning, not ... posted on Mar 17, 1665 reads

Begging For Change
Does the money you give to charity really make a difference? Are all those dollars pouring in really helping? Why are there still so many homeless, hungry, drug-addicted, unemployed Americans? In 1989, frustrated by those nagging questions, Robert Egger gave up his dream to start a night club and launched the D.C. Central Kitchen in Washington. It collects food from local restaurants, caterers, a... posted on Mar 21, 1786 reads

Helping Ourselves, Healing Ourselves
Each year, Interplast, a US based nonprofit, sends a steady stream of expert surgical teams and medical supplies to developing countries all over the world, including Bangladesh, Nepal, Nicaragua, and Vietnam. The teams of volunteer surgeons spend two weeks at each location, performing as many free operations as time permits. By correcting disfigurements resulting from conditions such as cleft lip... posted on Mar 26, 1013 reads

Bridging Art & Spirituality
Meet Sister Wendy Beckett, Britain’s self-taught art nun turned international celebrity -- who never watched TV before she was on it. A nun in the contemplative tradition, she lived most of her life in silence and seclusion before a chance encounter led to her becoming the unlikely presenter for a series of highly acclaimed art documentaries. Today she is one of the world’s best known and best... posted on Apr 16, 1755 reads

Many Acorns, Many Oaks
Fact or fiction, can't say, but it's inspiring, and it's about the difference a single determined person can make in the world when they put their mind and body to the task. Elzeard Bouffier, a pre-WWI shepherd in solitude, takes it upon himself to restore the ruined ecosystem of the isolated and largely abandoned valley in the French Alps by singled-handedly cultivating a forest, tree by tree, pl... posted on Apr 15, 1662 reads

Leading With Kindness
A new way of managing is emerging. Some of the world's most successful companies are realizing that the better they treat their employees, the more productive they get. College opportunities, flexible schedules, advanced health care plans or transparency between ranks are only a few examples of a new phenomenon known as leading with kindness. Businessmen and professors William F. Baker and Michael... posted on Oct 27, 6046 reads

A Book that Rose from the Ashes
Acclaimed poet and novelist Maxine Hong Kingston returned from her father's funeral to find her home in flames. The fire destroyed the manuscript and all backup copies of a newly written book, "The Fourth Book of Peace". Though initially devastated, Kingston moved past her personal loss and began a workshop for those who had lost much more: Vietnam War veterans. In the process of helping them move... posted on May 7, 2000 reads

Tuesdays With Morrie
"Morrie Schwartz who was a favorite college professor of mine back at Brandeis University in Boston. He and I were very close. I took every class he offered over four years. When I graduated, I lost touch with him for sixteen years until one night I happened to catch the Nightline program and I saw Morrie talking to Ted Koppel about what it is like to die. That's the first I learned that Morrie ha... posted on Oct 18, 3714 reads

Big Mountain, Little Steps
Steve House cemented his status as one of the world's best mountain climbers last September in Pakistan, when he and a partner reached the top of Nanga Parbat via a new route up the Rupal Face, a 14,000-foot vertical wall of rock, snow and ice considered the largest and highest relief in the world. As extraordinary as that was, what really sets House apart in the testosterone fueled sport of climb... posted on May 17, 1406 reads

Be-ing Other-centered in Business
He teaches them to be grateful and wants them to meditate. But Prof. Srikumar Rao's isn't a spiritual teacher: he teaches at Columbia Business School! In his gentle voice, he asks them to stop living in a "me centered" world and start living in an "other centered" one. In one exercise, students spend an hour each day for a week helping someone else without expecting anything in return. It may not ... posted on May 24, 2192 reads

Katrina Cottage
The house everyone has been talking about isn't the biggest, fanciest or most expensive. But rather a 308-square-foot house that may change the way United States deals with emergency housing and affordable housing. Katrina Cottage, as its called, is a factory-built, do-it-yourself, expandable home that utilizes local architecture including a wide porch, and lots of windows for air and daylight. ... posted on Jun 4, 2746 reads

Wandering Scribe
A woman becomes homeless, so she gets into her car and drives. Except she has nowhere to go - so she stays in the car, with all her possessions heaped in the back, sleeping in the front seat, parking in secluded streets. For eight months, no one notices her, because she makes sure she looks respectable. But this is the information age. And even though she doesn't speak to anyone, she can go int... posted on Jun 5, 3274 reads

This I Believe
It was started in 1951. Each day, millions gathered by their radios to hear compelling essays from the likes of Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Robinson, Helen Keller and Harry Truman as well as corporate leaders, cab drivers, scientists and secretaries and people like Marty Mann, the first woman to join Alcoholics Anonymous. It was a radio show called 'This I Believe' where people shared their person... posted on Jun 10, 2607 reads

Science Behind Your Smile
We study twins, chimps and lottery winners, but still don't understand happiness. In his new book, 'Happiness: The Science Behind Your Smile', Dr. Daniel Nettle suggests that although people believe they will be happier in the future, they in fact seldom are; that societies don't get happier as they get richer; and that people are consistently wrong about the impact of future life-events on their... posted on Jun 7, 3220 reads

The New Face of Giving
A charity that provides water to African villages posts locations of new wells using Google Earth, and a 13-year-old contributor in Manhattan tracks the progress. A cancer charity accepts "micro-donations" of $5 by text message. An orchestra in Michigan begins posting videos of its performances on YouTube to try to draw patrons. The United States long has been a nation of givers, but a new generat... posted on Oct 22, 2163 reads

100 People Who Shape Our World
Imagine 100 celebrities like Tom Cruise, Laura Bush and Sandra Day O'Connor each writing a profile on say Pope Benedict, Bill Clinton or Oprah Winfrey. What would the compiled result look like? Like Time magazine's much-awaited 2006 Time 100 project! A collection of profiles on one hundred men and women, whose power, talent or moral example are transforming our world. Click here to see Time's comp... posted on Jun 16, 3080 reads

The Man Who Memorized Pi
Daniel Tammet lives with extraordinary ability and disability. He can't drive a car or tell right from left. But he can figure out cube roots quicker than a calculator and holds the European record for recalling pi to the furthest decimal point. Daniel is an "Autistic savant" -- a term that refers to individuals with autism who have extraordinary mental skills. But while most savants can't tell us... posted on Jun 21, 3551 reads

Kindness Repayed, and the Birth of a Star
Sandy Greenberg was struck blind while studying at Columbia University. How did he manage to stay in school? His roommate read his textbooks to him -- every night. Not a commitment that many would find easy to make. Sandy went on to graduate with honors. Not long after he got a call from his roommate, who told him unhappily that he no longer wanted to be in grad school -- he wanted to sing instead... posted on Jun 28, 3405 reads

Developing a Language of Compassion
Believing that it is our nature to enjoy giving and receiving in a compassionate manner, Marshall Rosenberg, in his classic book "Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Compassion" talks of answering two questions. What happens to disconnect us from our compassionate nature, leading us to behave violently and exploitatively? And conversely, what allows some people to stay connected to their compa... posted on Jun 24, 1685 reads

Nobel Laureate's Odes To Common Things
Pablo Neruda: the Nobel Prize-winning poet who turned appreciation of sight and sound into a fine art with his "Odes to Common Things". Everything was fair game to this poet: he wrote hauntingly beautiful odes to his socks, to a lemon, to a cat, to ironing, to bees, bicycles, a bed and even the dictionary! In his poems everyday objects become an excuse to explore the beauty and wonder we so often ... posted on Jun 30, 1784 reads

Why Multi-Tasking Can Be Unhealthy
Multi-tasking has become something of a heroic word in our vocabulary. But is it really an inarguable virtue? We’re not talking about chewing bubblegum and walking a straight line at the same time -- while automatic actions, or what the researchers call "highly practiced skills," can be done while thinking about other things, research shows that any key decision-making requires full attention. W... posted on Jul 4, 2310 reads

Journalism for the People
He spends nine months of every year living in the poorest districts of India -- and then writes with a passion about the problems he witnesses first-hand. Award-winning journalist P. Sainath is credited with having fundamentally changed the understanding of poverty in India, and for playing a significant role in redefining it worldwide. Sainath reports on ordinary people struggling against tremend... posted on Jul 25, 1409 reads

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Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.
Mahatma Gandhi

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