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come back. Animals on the brink of extinction can be given another chance. My next reason for hope, the biggest difference between us and other animals, is this explosive development of our intellect. Yes, other animals are far more intelligent and sentient than used to be believed. We’ve designed a rocket that went up to planet Mars with a robot that took photos. And so, our hope of finding a planet where life could continue, a kind of life we know, was doomed. Fortunately, today, science is coming out with innovative solutions like capturing carbon from the atmosphere and renewable energy. This is a big step forward. I wish more people were talking about this type of technolog... posted on May 10 2024 (3,392 reads)

And I realized I felt out of sync with the perspective that these people were sharing. I was coming from this possibilist mindset and I thought, “Huh, I don’t know exactly even how to have these conversations without feeling at odds with other people.” And yet the whole point that you talk about is how we can connect with other people. So how do we talk to people who are definitely not in a possibilist set of being?   WU: Well, simply, I mean, none of this is rocket science. This is all about tapping into our own innate human potentials. The phrase I like to use is meet animosity with curiosity. In other words, bring your natural inherent curiosity to the situati... posted on May 13 2024 (2,627 reads)

views heard by higher-ups who just don’t have to listen. Conversational receptiveness is effective because it makes the interaction less confrontational and therefore less unpleasant. At the same time, it allows both parties to express their perspective. As a result, it gives people some confidence that if they approach a topic of disagreement, their partner will stay in the conversation, and the relationship will not sustain damage. In recent years, many scholars across the social sciences have expressed concern about Americans’ seeming inability to talk to their political opponents. Yet the skills that are necessary for Democrats and Republicans to engage with one anoth... posted on Jun 26 2024 (1,689 reads)

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It's better to go slow in the the right direction than to go fast in the wrong direction.
Simon Sinek

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