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child will be too. Get help, read books, do a course, learn to meditate… anything that will help you develop and grow personally. Rid yourselves of your own dreams and desires for them. Your kids are not there to fulfil your dreams or what you want. Let them do what they want, play the instrument they want, do the sport they want. Give them that freedom. Often, parents decide that their kids will play the piano or football or study a certain thing at school or take over the family business! Having kids is not about them meeting your expectations or your unfulfilled goals and dreams. Conscious parenting is not about setting up controls of what is good/bad or acceptable/unaccepta... posted on Oct 15 2018 (40,682 reads)

have a folding plastic chair that I keep near the horse paddock, home to a small family of six horses. Many times a week, I hoist the chair over the railing, unfold it in the middle of the enclosure and just sit. It’s the perfect way to not only ‘share territory’ with my equine companions (a deceptively simple but potent training technique), but to observe their behaviors. Sometimes things are tangibly still, like sitting inside a Tibetan monastery. Sometimes, things are moving—one horse pushing another with silent subtle gestures, which leads to the movement of others—a sea of to and fro. At other times, things are playful and robust, with dust flying and ... posted on Sep 22 2018 (21,843 reads)

credit. Transformation requires that we both pioneer new personal ways of life while also working together to enact policies and build new social institutions that will sustain them. I’ve begun to reconsider the old picture that I had in my head, the one where I’m delivering the speech on the Mall. I’ve realized that a lot of that dream came from my ego, which is a barrier to greater progress.  Our culture celebrates the greatness of the individual—celebrities, business icons and agents of social change—without acknowledging the collectives around them that are the true source of greatness. We’ve built a political industrial complex made up of... posted on Oct 28 2018 (7,397 reads)

dining room and she was nearly in tears. She’d had her semi-annual review with her boss and it hadn’t gone well (in her eyes) even though she’d received a satisfactory rating. She said to me, “I’m so tired of pursuing my boss’s approval. I’m so tired of being unappreciated. I came to this country to pursue happiness and I’m not feeling much.” I gave her a hug and said to her, “Pursuing and attaining are ways of being you learned in business school. They may serve you on the success treadmill, but they won’t buy you happiness. Practicing gratitude and attuning yourself to your own internal joy will service you the rest of y... posted on Nov 14 2018 (6,365 reads)

Use of Human Beings: Cybernetics and Society (public library) — his visionary 1950 treatise on communication, control, and the moral dimension of technology, which went on to influence thinkers as diverse as beloved author Kurt Vonnegut, anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson, and virtual reality pioneer Jaron Lanier.  Norbert Wiener In a sentiment that applies with striking precision to the cultural economics of the Internet, Wiener writes: The newspaper business has come to be the art of saying less and less to more and more… [This] applies equally to the radio, to television, and even to bookselling. Thus we are in an age where the enormous p... posted on Oct 21 2018 (4,279 reads)

qualifying nonprofits that provide service dogs to military members or veterans who suffer from PTSD after they finalize other traditional treatments.  Baker actually spoke at a press conference in support of the act. “Going into the public was very difficult,” says Baker. “I’m always watching over my back.” But Buddy has helped Baker to get back out into the public. Tiffany graduated this past May from Waukesha County Technical College with a degree in business management, and an emphasis in social media marketing. As Baker puts it, she is like every other broken person whose service dog keeps them going. She says, “I need to get out of bed to... posted on Nov 15 2018 (10,594 reads)

with its claims to universal validity, this one way of knowing, promised us wealth and peace. The profits grew, but our trees, homes, and lands were disrespected; we became more efficient, but our efficiencies crowded out our cultures and languages. Now we can no longer abide economic structure and ideological monologue that considers our wellbeing an afterthought, our lands a lifeless mass of dirt awaiting capitalist redemption, and our cultures a cosmetic distraction from the more serious business of making more money. We cannot listen for too long to the boastings of a pixel pretending to be the entire picture. Let me say that the crisis we face as a species is not merely economic,... posted on Dec 27 2018 (6,548 reads)

bigger than our own life, extending the hospitality we show at home out into the world, and treating everyone like our family.” What kind of response do you receive from diners? Is the zero-dollar check a surprise to anyone? We receive all kinds of responses. The zero dollar check is often a surprise for first-time diners. Folks often do a double-take, and then as you explain the concept to them, there’s a feeling of awe that kind of fills the air. In a market economy where businesses constantly advertise how much we lack, this setting reminds us that the reverse is true: We have everything we already need, and our greatest wealth is our capacity to give. Of course, e... posted on Dec 24 2018 (8,321 reads)

would get back his voice so quickly,” says Dr Vishal. Other patients are equally happy. Take the case of the sexagenarian Sudhindra Babu, who had an imported voice device fitted in 2015 after his larynx was removed. He had spent Rs 23,000 on it, but the device gave frequent trouble. A year later, he decided to try Dr Vishal’s device. Aum Voice Prosthesis weighs 25 grams and measures 2.5 cm in length Two years have passed since then, and he has faced no problem. “As a businessman, I travel a lot... My voice is very clear and I find no difficulty in communicating with others,” he testifies. “I am very happy with Dr Vishal and the care he gives to his pat... posted on Jan 3 2019 (5,786 reads)

like it’s time to go.’ And they say: ‘It’s not time to go yet, we haven’t finished yet.’ And those guys not only make sure there is time for the two left to share their story of pain, they also end putting up the altar … I just held my ground and I look for their true nature, and their nature is, we want to help each other. When you are in a context where there is diversity of agendas, which might be your case, you might have someone with a business agenda, someone might want to feel whole, someone else’s agenda might be to be a dreamer, or a teacher… We have to see these different agendas and bring them up to the surface, a... posted on Jan 24 2019 (10,773 reads)

does it matter? / The sunflowers blaze, maybe that’s their way. / Maybe the cats are sound asleep. Maybe not. / While I was thinking this I happened to be standing / just outside my door, with my notebook open, / which is the way I begin every morning. / Then a wren in the privet began to sing. / He was positively drenched in enthusiasm, / I don’t know why. And yet, why not. / I wouldn’t persuade you from whatever you believe / or whatever you don’t. That’s your business. / But I thought, of the wren’s singing, what could this be / if it isn’t a prayer? / So I just listened, my pen in the air.” Well, the poems keep coming. MS. TIPPETT:... posted on Jan 18 2019 (46,699 reads)

as the basis for judgment, for one group of people separating themselves form other groups, or one individual separating from others. Yet the spiritual is profoundly non-judgmental and non-separative. The spiritual does not vary from time to time because it is not within time. Spirit is unchanging. The spiritual is also different from the ethical. Ethics is a set of values, a code for translating the moral into daily life. It defines the right way to relate to other people, to carry out business and to behave in general. If the moral is not the spiritual, then the ethical isn't either. The spiritual is also not the psychic. The psychic is a capacity we all share, although it i... posted on Feb 4 2019 (10,915 reads)

hired me part time, and eventually talked me into quitting my other jobs and doing it full time. I was there for three years and ended up running strategy. Did working in advertising change your perspective on consumer culture? The people I worked with had good values. They had this rule that they would only do work with people who they would invite to their homes for dinner. I remember one time a really major tobacco company came to them and said, “We’ll give you all of our business and you don’t even have to make a pitch.” The fact is, this client would have paid really good money at a time when we needed it. But they just said, “No. We’re not se... posted on Feb 17 2019 (9,088 reads)

even started talking — I think the writing you’re doing now, and I feel like what is absorbing you now, is really — the phrase you’re using is “the myth of closure.” That in fact, I don’t know when that word got inserted into our vocabulary — maybe you can speak to that — but that that word has led us astray. Ms. Boss:I believe that. I think “closure,” though, is a perfectly good word for real estate and business deals, so I don’t want to demonize the word “closure.” But “closure” is a terrible word in human relationships. Once you’ve become attached to somebody, lo... posted on Feb 11 2019 (10,851 reads)

in a vibrant and happy life stage. We are resilient and know how to thrive in the margins. Our happiness comes from self-knowledge, emotional intelligence and empathy for others. Most of us don’t miss the male gaze. It came with catcalls, harassment and unwanted attention. Instead, we feel free from the tyranny of worrying about our looks. For the first time since we were 10, we can feel relaxed about our appearance. We can wear yoga tights instead of nylons and bluejeans instead of business suits. Yet, in this developmental stage, we are confronted by great challenges. We are unlikely to escape great sorrow for long. We all suffer, but not all of us grow. Those of us who grow... posted on Feb 27 2019 (472,844 reads)

BICEN, DANIEL - PENCIL ON DRAWING AND TISSUE PAPERS - 30” X 22” “Introduced through Hospice by the Bay, Daniel and I met weekly in his room in a high-rise SRO block in San Francisco’s SOMA. A graduate of Harvard University and friends with Spanish royalty, Daniel lost all of his wealth when he was cut out of his father’s business empire and struggled with mental health issues. Now sharing hallways with the city’s most disenfranchised residents, Daniel would still go for caviar and champagne once a week using money from his estranged son. Daniel was adamant that death did not trouble him and that he was simply letting the “gentle flow o... posted on Apr 9 2019 (13,328 reads)

Radical Joy for Hard Times: Finding Meaning and Making Beauty in Earth's Broken Places by Trebbe Johnson, published by North Atlantic Books, copyright © 2018 by Trebbe Johnson. Reprinted by permission of publisher.  “Why don't you switch channels and see if there’s anything else on?” That’s what the husband of a friend of mine would say during those weeks in the spring of 2010, when oil from BP’s Deepwater Horizon well was spewing into the Gulf of Mexico and his favorite news channel showed him yet another image of dying wildlife: a brown pelican struggling to raise heavy wings drenched in oil; a pod of dolphins plowing through vi... posted on Apr 1 2019 (6,547 reads)

the winter 2019 student writing competition, “Border (In)Security,” we invited students to read the YES! Magazine article “Two-Thirds of Americans Live in the “Constitution-Free Zone” by Lornet Turnbull and respond with an up-to-700-word essay.  Students had a choice between two writing prompts for this contest on immigration policies at the border and in the “Constitution-free zone,” a 100-mile perimeter from land and sea borders where U.S. Border Patrol can search any vehicle, bus, or vessel without a warrant. They could state their positions on the impact of immigration policies on our country’s security and how we dete... posted on Jul 22 2021 (29,284 reads)

dying and death is one of those aspects. Because of that unfriendliness, it seems to me our deeper responsibility is to learn how we have come to be as we are about these matters, rather than to engage someone else’s achievements in these matters as a kind of “easy way out.” Rather than learning how we came to the frail departure from real life that we engage in, many of us are inclined just to beg, borrow, or steal some other more intact culture’s way of doing its business. Our obligation is to stay home and learn our home place and understand how it’s come to be as it is among us. The MOON: How might we do that? Jenkinson: Well, I’m... posted on Apr 26 2019 (22,014 reads)

article was originally published on India Development Review. Today, much of the social development sector in India appears to be engaged with discussions around scale. The debate is likely to intensify further, as there seems to be little clarity in sight as to what precisely scaling entails, and who may or may not scale. In fact, what exemplifies the sector at large is the fluidity of meaning even about some of its most routine concerns, like social change, charity, impact, sustainability, and so on. It is perhaps fair to assume that the debate on social change and scalability is principally being driven by the for-profit sector’s growing engagement with the nonpro... posted on Apr 17 2019 (4,114 reads)

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Laughter is immeasurable. Be joyful though you have considered all the facts.
Wendell Berry

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