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A one-day weather forecast requires about 10 billion math calculations.... posted on Nov 28 2002, 2,130 reads


... posted on Nov 24 2002, 2,157 reads


The island of East Timor is the newest country in the world, having gained its Independence from Indonesia on May 20th, 2002.... posted on Nov 23 2002, 900 reads


Think you're too old to attain that dream? Think again, and read how Ron Fitch, at age 92, became the world's oldest person to earn a doctoral degree. The ABC News Story:... posted on Nov 16 2002, 1,033 reads


Hans Christian Andersen, Cher, Tom Cruise, Albert Einstein, Whoopie Goldberg, Greg Louganis, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Gen. George S. Patton, are/were all dyslexics.... posted on Nov 15 2002, 836 reads


Need a little motivation, visit this site for a beautiful message for everyone: ... posted on Nov 14 2002, 922 reads


They say every cloud has a silver lining. Tech companies may be having a rough time, but the good news is that computer support has improved: The Seattle Times Story: ... posted on Nov 12 2002, 1,014 reads


An Austrian farmer's life was saved by his clever dog, "Tschibsi", who ran 2 km, found help and returned with a rescue helicopter!... posted on Nov 06 2002, 1,001 reads


Fewer than 100 people in the world have ever reached the highest peaks of the seven highest mountains. Erik Weihenmayer just joined that elite group. And, incidentally, he’s blind. ... posted on Oct 30 2002, 1,018 reads


A new report says farmers and workers who grow coffee beans from South America and Asia are slipping into dire poverty while U.S coffee giants grow rich off their labor. Two fair-trade campaigns hope to reverse the trend.... posted on Oct 01 2002, 2,693 reads


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