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Each year water-related diseases kill more people than AIDS and cancer combined. Just today, more than 25,000 people will die because of unsafe drinking water.... posted on May 10 2003, 1,014 reads


Nearly seven years have past since Kathy Lee Gifford wept on national TV over revelations that her Wal-Mart clothing line was made by children laboring in Central American sweatshops. That scandal helped raise awareness of the burgeoning anti-sweatshop movement. Today, one LA company, TeamX, is out to change the 30 billion dollar garment industry.... posted on May 08 2003, 831 reads


Kindness of strangers. When are people more likely to help someone in a chance encounter on a city street? Researcher Rober Levine finds that small cities are the big winners! Squeezing too many people into too small a space leads, paradoxically enough, to alienation, anonymity and social isolation.... posted on Apr 30 2003, 1,213 reads


What happens when you witness a good deed? In an American Psychology Association (APA) paper, Jonathan Haidt notes that 'positive emotion of elation' is triggered by witnessing acts of human moral beauty or virtue, which in turn increases one's own inclination to help others!... posted on Apr 19 2003, 1,647 reads


Today, 1 in 4 Americans will eat a fast-food meal. Americans spend more money on fast food than on higher education, personal computers, computer software or new cars. Every month more than 90 percent of American children eat at McDonald's; the average American eats three hamburgers and four orders of french fries every week. But Eric Schlosser show why most don't know what goes behind the making... posted on Apr 04 2003, 1,292 reads


Oscar winners live 3.9 years longer than the losers. That's what Donald Redelmeier and Sheldon Singh found when they researched all 762 actors and actresses ever nominated for a leading or supporting Oscar.... posted on Apr 01 2003, 929 reads


... posted on Mar 30 2003, 2,012 reads


Jose Garcia was among 10 laborers, originally from Mexico, who went on a recent hunger strike for living wage salaries. He gets 45 cents for a 32-pound (14.5kg) bucket of tomatoes bought by American fast food giant Taco Bell. Many laborers make less than 80 dollars/week for seven days of labor.... posted on Mar 29 2003, 1,278 reads


Consider a simple experiment: shine a light through two parallel slits and look at the screen. Quantum physics shows that a single photon (particle of light) can interfere with itself, as if it travelled through both slits at once.... posted on Mar 26 2003, 1,036 reads


The number of chronically hungry people in the world is set to fall from 776 million now to 440 million in 2030, says the UN Food and Agriculture Organization. But instead of halving by 2015 - the goal adopted by the 1996 World Food Summit - the number of the undernourished will fall only by 11 per cent by that time.... posted on Mar 14 2003, 1,174 reads


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