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The average person in the United States takes four car trips per day. Nearly half are for shopping or running errands. Americans take 1.1 billion trips daily, averaging 40 miles per person.... posted on Sep 04 2003, 903 reads


Ever said, "I wonder where those kids get all that energy?" According to Dr. Lee Berk, children have a secret energy source, one which is available to any of us. They laugh. A lot. In fact, Berk notes that children laugh an average of 400 times a day, while adults guffaw only 15 times!... posted on Aug 23 2003, 911 reads


Chances are, you don’t personally know any Australian policemen, Estonian archival inspectors or Norwegian army veterinarians. But you could probably get in touch with one of these distant individuals through a friend, or a friend of a friend, or a friend of your friend’s friend. The notion that every person on the planet is separated from everyone else by a chain of about six people has been ... posted on Aug 21 2003, 1,178 reads


Talking on a cell phone behind the wheel is more dangerous than driving drunk, researchers from the University of Utah conclude in a new study. And it makes no difference whether the telephone is hand-held or, as permitted by New York State law, used hands-free.... posted on Aug 12 2003, 1,029 reads


Hate is a useless emotions, scientists are concluding at Stanford University Forgiveness Project. Forgiveness is a stress reducer, is good for your heart rate, blood pressure, immune system; it's good for prolonging your life; it reduces the risk of heart attack. It's the gift you give yourself.... posted on Jul 23 2003, 1,100 reads


If you had to choose between 10% more cops on the beat or 10% more citizens knowing their neighbors' first names, the latter is a better crime prevention strategy. If you had to choose between 10% more teachers or 10% more parents being involved in their kids' education, the latter is a better route to educational achievement.... posted on Jul 19 2003, 1,006 reads


Time for Tea
Watch out green. Here comes the white tea. The pale minimally processed Chinese tea is being pitched as the next great thing for drinking and as a cosmetics ingredient. Researchers show that white tea has more disease-fighting antioxidants than green tea. The white elixir has joined green tea as a possible preventative for many troubles, from stopping certain cancers to fighting wrinkles.... posted on Jul 02 2003, 1,419 reads


The United States will pay out 2.25 billion in subsidies to American farmers in the next decade. Because Africa's agricultural products compete in their home market against those from the US, they enter that market 2 billion behind U.S. goods.... posted on Jun 27 2003, 979 reads


To help bridge the digital divide, lot of Western organizations sent tons of second hand computers to Africa. The UK Centre of International Education now reports that such dumping is proving to be a costly mistake.... posted on Jun 03 2003, 1,256 reads


Animal Instincts
On February 4, 1975 the Chinese successfully evacuated the city of Haicheng several hours before a 7.3 magnitude earthquake -- based primarily on observations of unusual animal behavior. 90% of the city's structures were destroyed in the quake, but the entire city had been evacuated before it struck. Nearly 90,000 lives were saved. ... posted on May 28 2003, 1,235 reads


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Bryant McGill

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