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Freed: Cat With Head Trapped in Jar for 6 Days
"I feel like I have experienced a truly blessed event. A member of my feral colony, usually one of the friendlier cats, got a plastic jar stuck on his head. His entire head enveloped in hard plastic, he was completely unable to eat or drink. I first saw him this way on a Saturday night. I spent hours trying to get him to trust me to get close enough so that I could remove the jar. But, completely ... posted on Aug 05 2012, 24,209 reads


20 Amazing Photos From Outer Space
As humans have begun to explore the mysteries of outer space, both by sending unmanned probes and physically traveling beyond the Earth's atmosphere, a vast number of amazing pictures have been collected. Often photographs of outer space are recorded for the purposes of science, but are also often breathtakingly beautiful images revealing the wonders of the universe. This post brings together 20 o... posted on Jul 06 2012, 0 reads


What A Plant Knows
"As I was planting my seasonal crop of tomatoes last month, a good friend (and my personal gardening guru) informed me that they liked their leaves rubbed, "like petting a pet's ears," which I received with equal parts astonishment, amusement, and mild concern for my friend. But, as Tel Aviv University biologist Daniel Chamovitz reveals in What a Plant Knows: A Field Guide to the Senses (public li... posted on Jun 30 2012, 15,107 reads


America's First Public Food Forest
Imagine a 7 acre plot of land in a large American city, with hundreds of different kinds of edibles: walnut and chestnut trees; blueberry and raspberry bushes; fruit trees, including apples and pears; exotics like pineapple, yuzu citrus, guava, persimmons, honeyberries, and lingonberries; herbs; and more. The best part? All will be available for public plucking to anyone who wanders into Seattle's... posted on Jun 08 2012, 35,356 reads


Life Lessons from A Winged Visitor
"Something in the sunlight caught my eye. A moving something. A small moving something. Could it really be? A butterfly had landed on the floormat inside the house. Beating its wings ever so slowly, trying to catch its breath. I crept closer, just wanting to capture its beauty in my hands. To just admire its simplicity and intricate design. She sensed my presence, and we locked energies. Slowly, s... posted on Jun 02 2012, 15,974 reads


Gleaning for the Greater Good
"An old-fashioned concept -- gleaning for the greater good by harvesting unwanted or leftover produce from farms or family gardens -- is making a comeback during these continued lean economic times. In cities, rural communities, and suburbs across the country, volunteer pickers join forces to collect bags and boxes of fruits and vegetables that find their way to homeless shelters, soup kitchens, a... posted on May 12 2012, 12,260 reads


Seeing in the Dark
A visually stunning ode to time, music, and the stars, Timothy Ferris' film "Seeing in the Dark" celebrates the wonders of stargazing -- from kids learning the constellations to amateur astronomers doing professional-grade research in discovering planets and exploding stars. Here, Ferris reflects on the PBS film, which features never-before seen astronomical photography and special effects. "Our a... posted on Apr 02 2012, 7,451 reads


Office Workers Raise 5 Day Old Kitten
"He was all soaking wet. The house had been power washed earlier but no one knew there was a baby kitty over in the bushes or that he had gotten wet. I cleaned him off with paper towels in case he had offensive tasting soap on him and put him back down and went back inside so the mama could get her baby. After much sitting there watching him cry, she walked away and didn't come back. I ran over... posted on Mar 12 2012, 20,006 reads


Cat Saves Owner's Life Hours After Adoption
Amy Jung and her son Ethan stopped into The Humane Society near their home in Wisconsin to play with the cats, but one feline -- a 21-pound cat named Pudding -- stood out to the pair. They made an impulsive decision to adopt him and his friend Wimsy. That same night, Jung, who has had diabetes since childhood, started having a diabetic seizure in her sleep. That's when Pudding sprang into action. ... posted on Feb 27 2012, 26,057 reads


Going into Debt to Rescue Abandoned Dogs
"On any given Saturday, you'll find volunteer rescuer Tracie Mitchum sitting outside in front of the Whole Foods Market with an array of cats and dogs she's rescued. She brings the pets to the parking lot hoping to find applicants to adopt them and to raise funds to provide veterinary care. "I feel welcome at Whole Foods and it's refreshing," Tracie says during our recent chat on the campus of the... posted on Feb 19 2012, 13,412 reads


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