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The Wisdom of Babies
"For years I worked with families who were very abusive to their children. Over time, I came to realize that all of the suffering that the children collected -- whether it was domestic violence or child abuse or neglect -- was a result of the absence of empathy in the parent. I saw that if you haven't experienced love, it's very difficult to know how to love. So what can we do to break this cycle ... posted on Jan 25 2013, 0 reads


More Than Human: Striking Animal Portraits
""Erasing the awe-inspiring variety of sentient life impoverishes all our lives," historian Joanna Bourke wrote in her poignant meditation on what it means to be human. And yet our relationship with animals and our understanding of their inner lives remain inadequate at best. In 2010, photographer Tim Flach gave us his extraordinary dog portraits. This year, he's back with More Than Human -- a col... posted on Dec 18 2012, 63,079 reads


For Love of Sheeba the Cheetah
"Every parent knows the bittersweet ache of watching their children grow and leave the nest, but what happens when your baby is not yet two years old and can already run as fast as a car? No one knows exactly how a one-month-old cheetah cub made her way under the fence of the Ol Pejeta chimpanzee sanctuary in Kenya in October of 2010. It's no small miracle that sanctuary workers spotted her before... posted on Nov 18 2012, 31,906 reads


For Love of Sheeba the Cheetah
"Every parent knows the bittersweet ache of watching their children grow and leave the nest, but what happens when your baby is not yet two years old and can already run as fast as a car? No one knows exactly how a one-month-old cheetah cub made her way under the fence of the Ol Pejeta chimpanzee sanctuary in Kenya in October of 2010. It's no small miracle that sanctuary workers spotted her before... posted on Nov 12 2012, 0 reads


Calf Trapped In Mud Rescued
"Recently, photographer Sam Beam and his buddy Josh Brinkin were out in a remote area outside of Albuquerque, New Mexico when they spotted some ravens and vultures near a known watering hole. They rode in for a closer look and were jolted by the sight of a bull calf, barely alive..."This little guy had his mouth, eyes and ears shut from struggling for days, but those birds never touched him," Sam ... posted on Nov 06 2012, 17,631 reads


Dolphin Murals: An Artist Turns Activist
"After watching a documentary about the annual slaughter of dolphins that takes place in Taiji, Japan, Filipino artist and environmental activist AG Sano was so overcome with emotion that he quit his job and dedicated himself to giving life back to these dolphins, one painted wall at a time... Twenty months later, a spontaneous reaction fuelled by one man's anger and sadness has evolved into an aw... posted on Sep 30 2012, 6,538 reads


Living with Just Enough
"By now we are all extremely familiar with the litany of challenges we face as a global species... We know there will be no easy fixes, no panaceas, but nevertheless as we try to set priorities and search for the most promising ways to approach these problems, many of us find ourselves looking to different cultures and to earlier eras for inspiration. In this regard, the Edo period of Japan has a ... posted on Sep 19 2012, 25,863 reads


New Zealand's River That Is A Person
From the dawn of history, and in cultures throughout the world, humans have been prone to imbue Earth's life-giving rivers with qualities of life itself -- a fitting tribute, no doubt, to the wellsprings upon which our past (and present) civilizations so heavily rely. But while modern thought has come to regard these essential waterways more clinically over the centuries, that might all be changin... posted on Sep 13 2012, 7,277 reads


The 13-Year Old Who Is Foresting the World
Felix Finkbeiner's stringbean physique is complemented by a pair of wire-rimmed glasses and a pudding-bowl haircut. At 13, he is an environmental superstar at the helm of a global network of child activists whose aim is to mitigate climate change by reforesting the planet. Behind his apparently unprepossessing facade, Felix is really an action hero. His organisation, Plant for the Planet, recently... posted on Sep 06 2012, 11,502 reads


Global Warming: A Case for Inner Change
"Alarming data and warnings about climate change have been with us for twenty years. The issue has morphed into something like a low-level toothache. [...] If human nature is to evolve, a new set of assumptions would look something like the following: Human life isn't set apart from life on earth. We must live in balance with Nature. Consumerism isn't unlimited and doesn't lead to happiness. Toxic... posted on Aug 17 2012, 18,150 reads


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It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.
Albert Einstein

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