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The City of Berkeley is at it again. This time, it's the first city of its size to use biodiesel fuel called B100 for all 200 of the city's diesel vehicles -- garbage trucks, fire engines, and school buses. B100 can be made from just about any plant oil and animal fat and has far cleaner emissions than traditional petroleum.... posted on Jul 12 2003, 761 reads


Stonehenge - an Astronomical Calculator
In Southern England, Stonehenge is a group of stones, earth and timber structures that remain a mystery to mankind. Astronomer Gerald Hawkins has recently shown that the Stonehenge is not only aligned with solar and lunar astronomical events, but can be used to predict other events such as eclipses. This simple set of stones is perhaps an astronomical calculator!... posted on Jul 10 2003, 1,843 reads


A decade ago, big food companies dismissed animal welfare research in slaughter houses as "emotional", but now McDonalds, KFC, Wendy's and Burger King are actually funding them. McDonalds, for instance, buys 2 billion eggs every year and has pressed the industry to increase by half the amount of space it allocates to egg-laying hens in factory hen houses. They also told its egg suppliers to stop... posted on Jul 04 2003, 1,036 reads


Bird Brains in Action
Birds are smart. In Japan, Carrion crows and humans line up patiently at the signal light. When the lights change, the birds hop in front of the cars and place walnuts, which they picked from the adjoining trees, on the road. After the lights turn green again, the birds fly away and vehicles drive over the nuts, cracking them open. Finally, when it’s time to cross again, the crows join the ped... posted on Jun 18 2003, 1,281 reads


In an industrial park in Philadelphia sits a new machine that can change almost anything into oil. Really. Changing World Technologies claims it can turn 600 million tons of turkey guts and other waste into 4 billion barrels of light Texas crude each year! And people are listening.... posted on Jun 06 2003, 1,587 reads


British biologist Rupert Sheldrake has documented on videotape how some dogs appear to anticipate the arrival of their owner. Regardless of the time of day that the owner begins their journey home, some of these dogs appear to sense their human companion coming without receiving any known physical signals, and wait for them next to the door or window.... posted on Jun 05 2003, 1,041 reads


Hug the Trees!
The mountain people had used the forests, sustainably, for their food, shelter, medicines and fodder for animals. But one fine day, the government restricted their access and sold licenses to fell trees to the highest bidder. When the first loggers, from a sporting goods manufacturer, arrived to chop the trees, Chandi Prasad Bhatt swiftly moved to action. Along with the locals, they hugged the t... posted on May 27 2003, 1,274 reads


If each commuting car carried one more person, we'd save 18 million gallons of gas everyday.... posted on May 23 2003, 856 reads


A Garden of Giving
Rudy Viereckl worked on experimental flowers all day, tended a home garden at night, but still, felt the need for more. What he wanted was a garden designed to benefit others, not himself. So he planted a row for the hungry, rallied his friends and ended up collecting 41,652 pounds of produce!... posted on May 16 2003, 1,169 reads


An Ecological Housing Complex
Way past Ikea lies a Swedish housing complex that is ecologically sound and wired for all sorts of remote-control fiddling with heat, power and security. This unit decontaminates its own soil, recycles its water into a rebuilt marsh ecology, generates power from renewable sources, uses roof space to put oxygen back into the environment and, through sensors and broadband Web access, allows owners ... posted on May 14 2003, 1,325 reads


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We are absolutely a part of the cycle of water. All of life is.
Valerie Segrest

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