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Concern for Chickens
When Kentucky Fried Chicken, an international fast food chain, announced plans to open up a restaurant in Tibet, the Dalai Lama wrote them a letter and said that mass slaughter of chickens violated Tibet's traditional values. KFC's parent company, Yum Brands, says it has called off its plans.... posted on Jul 02 2004, 1,522 reads


Solar Sense
Gail Stocks couldn't believe her eyes -- the electricity meter was running backwards. Instead of using electricity from the utility company, she had installed solar panels and was essentially selling electricity back to the companies! Prodded by fears of global warming, at least 10,000 US and 70,000 Japanese homeowners have installed these solar energy panels.... posted on Jun 30 2004, 1,277 reads


What Humans Can't See
A Canadian man, driving a car packed with weapons and 6000 rounds of ammunition, was intent on killing as many people as possible in a Toronto neighborhood but gave up the plan at the last minute when he encountered a friendly dog, police said. The mentally disturbed man had set himself up in an east-end park to load his weapons and then planned to drive around shooting. He later told police tha... posted on Jun 29 2004, 1,181 reads


No-Flush Urinals
United States has approximately 8 million urinals, with about 100 million people using over 160 billion gallons of water each year! And along came no-flush, waterless urinals, that uses a simple design to save tens of thousands of gallons of water every year.... posted on Jun 10 2004, 1,807 reads


Venus Transit
No living person has ever seen this happen. Today, Venus will cross the Sun for the first time since 1882, and only for fifth time in recorded history. Astrologers point out that Venus transits, which come in 8-year pairs, pre-empt a signficant transition in human consciousness. Previously, in 1581/26, Magellan del Cano went around the world, Reformation began and female rulers came to Europe... posted on Jun 09 2004, 1,193 reads


Paint Your Roofs
Paint your roofs white, use lighter color pavements and plant more trees. Those are suggestions by Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, in response to cities becoming "heat islands" (hotter than its surrounding environments). Since one sixth of the electricity consumed in the United States goes to cool buildings, at an annual power cost of $40 billion, people are starting to listen to old technology a... posted on Jun 02 2004, 1,043 reads


Downloading For Sustainability
Not going to the store, after all, is good for the environment. Downloading 56 minutes of music over the Internet, and later burning it onto a CD, is more than two and a half times less resource intensive than going to a shop to buy it.... posted on May 27 2004, 884 reads


Capitalism to Clean the Sky
Investing in the future of the Earth may seem like a hokey slogan for an environmental organization, but for the 49 students in Lynne Lewis' environmental economics class at Bates College, it's a requirement. Last month, students at the Lewiston, Maine, college bid on -- and won -- the rights to pollute the environment with nine tons of sulfur dioxide at an auction sponsored by the Environmental ... posted on May 07 2004, 1,159 reads


Miracle of Forgiving
... posted on Apr 04 2004, 836 reads


Secret of the Ancients
No one really knows how the ancients moved the 30-foot blocks of stone, at StoneHenge, without any steel cables, cranes or supports. But now, Wallace Wallington is out to prove to us that it's simple. "Beyond simple," he says. Single handedly, with some simple wooden levers, he is himself able to move nearly 10 tons! For a documentary aired on Discovery, he raised a 16-foot, rectangular, conc... posted on Apr 02 2004, 1,312 reads


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