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Puppies Behind Bars
When Gloria Gilbert Stoga quit working for Rudy Guiliani's office, very few folks supported her new venture -- train inmates to raise guide dogs! Prisoners can get unconditional love as they train some of the young puppies, Gloria thought. Turns out, she was right. Today, the program is not only delivering well-loved, well-trained guide dogs, it's also having a positive effect on its inmate pup... posted on Nov 05 2004, 1,645 reads


Hot Wheels
It's cute, tiny, and plastic. The kids love it (especially in Europe). It also gets 70 miles per gallon, and you can fit three side by side in a standard parking spot. Move over, Mini: The Smart microcar could be the next big thing on America's roads.... posted on Oct 26 2004, 1,506 reads


Dogs Sniff Cancer
We have always suspected that man's best friend has a special ability to sense when something is wrong with us, but the first experiment to verify that scientifically has demonstrated that dogs are able to smell cancer!... posted on Oct 21 2004, 1,348 reads


Eco-activist Wins Nobel Peace Prize!
Nobel Peace Prize for 2004 goes to Wangari Mathai of Kenya! Not only is she the first African woman to receive the award, she is the first environmentalist. Nobel committee chairman Ole Danbolt Mjoes added, "It is clear that with this award, we have expanded the term peace to encompass environmental questions related to our beloved earth." Wangari Maathai founded the Green Belt Movement in 197... posted on Oct 13 2004, 1,682 reads


Spinach Powered Laptop
"Eat your spinach," Mom used to say. "It will make your muscles grow, power your laptop and recharge your cell phone... " OK. So nobody's Mom said those last two things. But researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology say they have used spinach to harness a plant's ability to convert sunlight into energy for the first time, creating a device that may one day power laptops, mobile phon... posted on Oct 02 2004, 1,020 reads


Passing It On
Everyone under 16 is planting a new tree in Britain. The UK is one of the least wooded countries in Europe, with just 12% of its landscape covered with trees, and a new planting campaign plans to change that while educating the younger generation. The goal is 12 million new trees within the next five years.... posted on Sep 29 2004, 1,403 reads


A tax on plastic shopping bags in the Republic of Ireland has cut their use by more than 90% and raised millions of euros in revenue, the government says. The environment ministry estimated that about 1.2 billion free plastic bags were being handed out every year in the republic, leaving windblown bags littering Irish streets and the countryside. In the three months after the tax was introduced, s... posted on Sep 01 2004, 1,395 reads


A Walking Monkey
A young monkey at an Israeli zoo has started walking like a human! Natasha, a 5-year-old black macaque at the Safari Park near Tel Aviv, began walking exclusively on her hind legs after a stomach ailment nearly killed her, zookeepers said. While some speculate brain damage from the illness, the veterinarian remarked, "I've never seen or heard of this before."... posted on Aug 05 2004, 1,453 reads


Sky Color
... posted on Jul 19 2004, 804 reads


Tigers and Piglets
At Siracha Zoo, in Thai capital Bangkok, they wanted to encourage more visitors. So they decided to teach domestic animals like pigs and wild animals like tigers to live together in harmony, from an early age. Today, they released a photograph of a piglet sleeping on a tiger!... posted on Jul 07 2004, 2,134 reads


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The pressure of the hands causes the springs of life to flow.
Tokujiro Namikoshi

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