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Advertising Truth
What if advertising’s power to persuade were turned towards educating people on their interdependence with all life? Perhaps it would be something like the Earth Communications Office (ECO), which since 1990 has harnessed celebrities like Morgan Freeman to produce high quality commercials that sell sanity instead of stuff. ... posted on May 24 2005, 1,279 reads


The Eagle & The Condor
Indigenous tribes in the Andes have long predicted a period of great imbalance in which the highly intellectual and material Eagle people would wipe out the spiritual and heart-centered “Condor” people to the edge of extinction until a new era was born with the Eagle and the Condor flying together. This myth is at the heart of the Pachamama Alliance, in which the Achuar people of Peru are lear... posted on May 20 2005, 1,096 reads


The Nature Challenge
When Dr. David Suzuki, a noted Canadian scientist, broadcaster and environmentalist, speaks to an audience on the importance of protecting nature, the question most often asked is, “What can I do?” Based on his foundation’s scientific research, they came up with The Nature Challenge, outlining the ten most effective ways to conserve nature and improve our quality of life. ... posted on May 19 2005, 1,626 reads


A River Reborn
Fifty years ago London's River Thames was so polluted that it was declared biologically dead. Now the river that flows through the heart of Europe's largest city is awash with bottlenose dolphins, sea horses, and birds. Thanks to the success of pollution controls, today the river ranks among the cleanest metropolitan tideways in the world.... posted on Apr 26 2005, 1,481 reads


Crystal Tap Water
More than half of all Americans drink bottled water; about a third of the public consumes it regularly. Sales have been fueled by ubiquitous ads picturing towering mountains, pristine glaciers, and crystal-clear springs nestled in untouched forests yielding absolutely pure water. However the supposed purity of bottle water is challenged by many facts including; bottled water standards are far le... posted on Apr 21 2005, 2,355 reads


New Apollo Project
In 1961 John F Kennedy, in a move to address the Cold War threat and inspire and unify America, challenged the nation to put a man on the moon with the Apollo project. Today, labor and environmental groups, Republicans and Democrats have begun teaming up to create a new Apollo project with a bold vision that putting America's resources into energy independence will fuel job growth, increased geopo... posted on Apr 12 2005, 1,362 reads


Orange Peel Plastic
Scientists have discovered a way to make plastics from orange peel, using the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. Cornell University researchers created a novel polymer using CO2, an oil present in orange peel and a catalyst that speeds the reaction along. The team hopes CO2 could one day be collected for making plastics instead of being pumped into the atmosphere. ... posted on Apr 08 2005, 1,294 reads


Green Guitar
Gibson Guitar Corp., the iconic guitar maker, has worked since the late 1980s to make its wood supply environmentally sustainable. Yet unlike Starbucks, The Body Shop, and other businesses that eagerly brandish their green bona fides, Gibson CEO Henry Juszkiewicz doesn't much care to flaunt his environmental cred (the guy drives a Hummer, after all). What matters to him is ensuring that Gibson ha... posted on Mar 18 2005, 1,414 reads


Environmental Evangelicals
A core group of influential evangelical leaders has put its considerable political power behind a cause that has barely registered on the evangelical agenda, fighting global warming. These church leaders, scientists, writers and heads of international aid agencies argue that global warming is an urgent threat, a cause of poverty and a Christian issue because the Bible mandates stewardship of God'... posted on Mar 15 2005, 1,360 reads


The explosion of the Chernobyl nuclear power station in 1986 that spewed 190 tons of highly radioactive uranium into the atmosphere over the Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus, has left a legacy of cancer and hardship for 3-4 million children. For the past 15 years, Adi Roche of the Chernobyl Children’s Project International has worked tirelessly in creating the medical programs to help children like... posted on Mar 11 2005, 1,152 reads


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To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.
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