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Bermuda's Environmental Awards
A would-be pig farmer, a teacher with a passion for science and storytelling and a group of children who grow their own vegetables are among this year’s recipients of the Government’s Environmental Awards. Environment Minister Neletha Butterfield yesterday handed over grants worth $62,500 in total to 12 worthy schemes aimed at highlighting, preserving and restoring Bermuda’s natural environm... posted on Feb 16 2007, 1,944 reads


Rottweiler Adopts Newborn Lambs
Rottweilers have a fearsome reputation, but a dog named Molly is proving that the breed has a softer side by helping rear two lambs! After a complicated birth on an English farm, newborns Lucky and Charm needed some extra attention, and it was Molly who unexpectedly stepped up to the plate. Her owner Maria Foster says Molly stayed close to the pair at night, and even protected them from other anim... posted on Feb 06 2007, 3,344 reads


From Poachers To Eco-Guides
They once were criminals who hunted endangered animals and stripped rare trees in the forest preserves of India. Now they are stewards and protectors of the land. Hired as tourist guides by the national government, these reformed poachers are using their familiarity with the area and its wildlife to start over as respected citizens. A former thief, in this video, patiently guides visitors through ... posted on Jan 26 2007, 2,406 reads


The World's Indigenous Cultures
In this fascinating video, National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Wade Davis celebrates the extraordinary diversity of the world's indigenous cultures -- many of which are disappearing -- as ancestral land is lost and languages die. (In fact, 50 percent of the world's 6000 languages are no longer taught to children.) Against a backdrop of extraordinary photos and stories that ignite the imagina... posted on Jan 19 2007, 3,065 reads


Heifer: Passing On The Gift
Heifer International is an organization that works in over 100 countries to provide people with animals that continue to nourish impoverished families, rather than short-term relief. The charity’s goal is to provide the livestock to needy families so they can produce a product, such as milk or silk, and support themselves. Heifer's signature value, "Passing on the Gift," requires recipients to s... posted on Jan 13 2007, 2,082 reads


Creating Breathing Places
A Breathing Place is a space that people care for, for the benefit of wildlife and the community. A BBC Initiative, Breathing Places encourages people to get involved in visiting, volunteering and transforming local spaces to create tranquil, wildlife-friendly habitats: anything from school areas, workplace grounds and cemeteries to major landscape projects. Over the next three years, they are j... posted on Jan 09 2007, 2,383 reads


Push for a Low Carbon Diet
Last June, when David Gershon saw Al Gore's global warming documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," he knew that the time was ripe. In 2000, Gershon had created a step-by-step program, a la Weight Watchers, designed to reduce a person's carbon footprint. The idea received positive reviews, but it eventually fell by the wayside for lack of interest. In the last five years, however, attitudes toward gl... posted on Jan 06 2007, 2,294 reads


Kids Worldwide Help Orphan Chimps
Orphaned chimpanzees in Africa will get a new place to rest their heads thanks to the remarkable efforts of hundreds of young people: Third graders in Los Angeles raised $430 selling hand-crafted necklaces; Youth at a zoo in Sweden raised $1,500; 8 year-old Brandon collected jars of "chimp change" totaling $319.26 from local students at Eastern Illinois University. All of them were members of Jane... posted on Dec 28 2006, 3,001 reads


Amazon Natives Save Forests with Google Earth
Deep in the most remote jungles of South America, Amazon Natives are using Google Earth, GPS mapping, and other technologies to protect their fast-dwindling home. Tribes in Suriname, Brazil, and Colombia are combining their traditional knowledge of the rainforest with Western technology to conserve forests and maintain ties to their history and cultural traditions, which include profound knowledge... posted on Dec 04 2006, 1,485 reads


The Green 50
High oil prices, global warming, the sense that chemicals cause real harm and that the earth's resources are indeed finite -- these are not so much charitable causes to embrace as they are problems that entrepreneurs can solve. Wall Street and Silicon Valley certainly understand this: Venture capital firms invested $958 million in renewable energy companies in the first half of 2006 alone. Today'... posted on Nov 21 2006, 1,729 reads


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William Wallace

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