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The Encyclopedia of Life
Comprehensive, collaborative, ever-growing, and personalized, the Encyclopedia of Life is an ecosystem of websites that makes all key information about life on Earth accessible to anyone, anywhere in the world. Its goal is to create a constantly evolving encyclopedia that lives on the internet, with contributions from scientists and amateurs alike. To transform the science of biology, and inspire ... posted on Jun 17 2007, 3,308 reads


Dogs Think More Than We Know
Dog owners have long maintained that their pooches have a lot more going on between their furry ears than scientists acknowledge. Now, new research is adding to the growing evidence that man's best friend thinks a lot more than many humans have believed. The provocative new experiment indicated that dogs can do something that previously only humans, including infants, have been shown capable of do... posted on Jun 10 2007, 3,176 reads


Endangered Species: 100 Success Stories
The U.S. Senate declared May 18, 2007, Endangered Species Day to encourage people “to become educated about, and aware of, threats to species, success stories in species recovery, and the opportunity to promote species conservation worldwide.” The resolution mentions a few of the Endangered Species Act’s most well known successes, for example -- the bald eagle’s increase from 416 to 9,789 ... posted on May 30 2007, 1,759 reads


A Clinic That Gives Prescriptions ... for Action
If you’ve ever experienced acute concern over environmental issues, specialist Dr. Natalie Jeremijenko, of NYU’s Environmental Health Clinic, might be able to help. To be clear, Jeremijenko, 40, has a Ph.D., not an M.D. And the project is part of NYU’s Art Department, not the School of Public Health. Her credentials as an artist and environ-mental activist, however, are solid. Ever since 199... posted on May 29 2007, 1,726 reads


Executive on a Mission: Saving the Planet
As Ray Anderson was preparing a speech at Interface, a billion dollar carpet title company he founded, he had a stark realization -- "I was running a company that was plundering the earth." While they fully complied with the law, he knew that wasn't enough. So he challenged his employees to find ways to turn it all around, and forestalled objections from his own stockholders. “He bet his enti... posted on May 23 2007, 2,248 reads


A Wiser Earth
Imagine you're on holiday in a city in Thailand and you discover that the area's natural environment is suffering from the effects of tourism. Back home, you decide to support that local Thai environmental movement. But how do you tap into it? WiserEarth, offers an answer: an online database of organizations active on the issues of environmental protection and social justice. For two years, scores... posted on May 06 2007, 2,273 reads


Guardian of Earth's Trees
For 50 years, Britain's Peter Ashton has been studying –- and trying to preserve –- a wealth of diversity in Asia's tropical forests. An eminent professor of forestry, Ashton has just won $415,000 from a Japanese foundation for a lifetime of work seeking to understand how different trees in the rain forest perform, helping us promote their sustainability. Of all the life on earth, more than ha... posted on Apr 28 2007, 1,536 reads


Sydney's Earth Hour
Citizens of Sydney, both businesses and individuals, were invited to turn off their lights for just one hour, Earth Hour -- 7.30pm to 8.30pm on March 31st 2007 -- as a sign of their commitment to reduce global warming. Estimates were that more than 2 million Sydney residents joined Earth Hour, causing a 10.2% drop in energy usage across Sydney, according to Energy Australia. Furthermore, more than... posted on Apr 06 2007, 2,711 reads


Taiwan's Butterfly Freeway
Taiwan will cordon off part of a highway to create a safe passage for a huge seasonal migration of milkweed butterflies in the coming days, a highways official said Saturday. The butterflies -- indigenous to Taiwan -- migrate in late March from the south to the north, where they lay eggs. The young butterflies then fly south in November to a warm mountain valley near Kaohsiung to escape the winter... posted on Mar 27 2007, 3,482 reads


How Green Is My Purchase?
When thinking about their contribution to global warming, concerned citizens might consider the cars they drive, the air miles they log and the energy they burn in their homes. But few would look at the shoes they wear or the food they eat.That is changing. Just as food products are labeled with calorie and nutritional information, consumer products are beginning to bear details about their enviro... posted on Mar 24 2007, 2,381 reads


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People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile.
Lee Mildon

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