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13 Ways to Help Heal the Land
Something within us loves the land. Sees gentle hills, undulating dunes, and tooth-like mountaintops bright-lit at dusk and responds with deep delight. And not just to the look of the land, but to the feel of it. How it is to sit on a stony beach or plunge hands into the warm soil of summer. Such practices are essential for our sanity, to tap us into wild currents of energy without which we would ... posted on May 18 2008, 4,573 reads


Restoring The World's Coral Reefs
After witnessing the rapid devastation of a Cayman Island coral reef, Todd Barber was moved from horror to action. He gave up a six-figure salary as a marketing consultant and dedicated his life to restoring the world's ocean reef ecosystems. According to the Nature Conservancy, if the present rate of destruction continues, 70 percent of the world's coral reefs will be destroyed by the year 2050. ... posted on May 12 2008, 2,669 reads


Tornado-Hit Town's Green Recovery
A year after it was practically wiped off the map by a tornado, Greensburg is rising again -- and going green, too, with solar panels, wind turbines, tinted windows, water-saving toilets and other energy-efficient technology. Environmentalists and civic leaders have seized on the disaster as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to re-engineer the town."I would never say the tornado happening was a goo... posted on May 08 2008, 3,359 reads


Why Bother About Climate Change?
"There are so many stories we can tell ourselves to justify doing nothing, but perhaps the most insidious is that, whatever we do manage to do, it will be too little too late. Climate change is upon us, and it has arrived well ahead of schedule. Scientists' projections that seemed dire a decade ago turn out to have been unduly optimistic: the warming and the melting is occurring much faster than t... posted on May 02 2008, 3,700 reads


People's Grocery
In West Oakland, California, where liquor stores have replaced markets, People’s Grocery is creating a healthy alternative, offering access to organic produce. Through urban gardens and local farms, People's Grocery supports a culture based on connection to the land, sustainable agricultural practices, and regenerating community. The Global Oneness Project features a video of this remarkable gra... posted on Mar 23 2008, 1,779 reads


Rachel Carson: Witness for Nature
Before there was an environmental movement, there was one brave woman and her very brave book. "There was once a town in the heart of America where all life seemed to live in harmony with its surroundings ... Then a strange blight crept over the area and everything began to change ... There was a strange stillness ... On the mornings that had once throbbed with the dawn chorus of scores of bird vo... posted on Mar 13 2008, 2,248 reads


The Beauty of Planet Earth
An Emmy Award-winning BBC nature documentary, Planet Earth is the first high-definition video series to provide, in the words of its makers, a "definitive look at the diversity of our planet." The series' narrator, Sir David Attenborough, notes: "Planet Earth is more a celebration of our planet than a lament about the state of it. It shows what is still there. In some areas there is no doubt that ... posted on Mar 01 2008, 2,907 reads


Climate Change Through Children's Eyes
For an art exhibit at the recent United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bali, Indonesia, Oxfam asked young people from developing countries to draw pictures showing the effect of climate change on their communities. This slideshow shows drawings through the eyes of 17 of the children.... posted on Feb 18 2008, 4,043 reads


A Tax We Might All Benefit From
Dublin -- there is something missing from this otherwise typical bustling cityscape. There are taxis and buses. Every other person is talking into a cellphone. But there are no plastic shopping bags, the ubiquitous symbol of urban life. In 2002, Ireland passed a tax on plastic bags; customers who want them must now pay 33 cents per bag at the register. There was an advertising awareness campaign. ... posted on Feb 12 2008, 3,353 reads


Earthships: Future-Proof Buildings
Imagine a home that heats itself, that provides its own water, and grows its own food. Imagine that it needs no expensive technology, that it recycles its own waste, that it has its own power source. And now imagine that it can be built anywhere, by anyone, out of the things society throws away. Thirty years ago, architect Michael Reynolds imagined just such a home - then set out to build it. Fro... posted on Jan 26 2008, 3,262 reads


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There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
-Edith Wharton-

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