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13 Best Energy Ideas
"Investments in energy projects will total $16 trillion in the next two decades. That investment -- along with spending for long-lived buildings, transportation, manufacturing, and public works -- could lock us into climate chaos. Or it could set us on the path toward a sustainable future. How can we make sure that this new infrastructure is climate friendly? For starters, it will have to be both ... posted on Aug 09 2008, 2,818 reads


Saving the Sound of Silence
Hearing the chirp of a bird in the distance, I expect our unofficial park guide to identify another animal resident here in Olympic National Park, as he had earlier with the call of a Roosevelt elk. "An intruder," he whispers in a serious tone. As Hempton whips out a hand-held sound metre from his bike messenger bag, I realize it's not birdsong but the drone of an airplane in the far distance that... posted on Aug 05 2008, 2,156 reads


Stepping It Up For The World
Jon Warnow's passion for tackling the Earth's climate crisis was the basis for his role in Step It Up 2007. This project used the Internet to stage a highly coordinated National Day of Climate Action involving over 1400 communities in all 50 states. Every action was united by a common message "Step It Up Congress! Cut Carbon 80% by 2050." For Step It Up 2007 Jon developed and deployed the Internet... posted on Aug 03 2008, 1,666 reads


Africa's Great Green Wall
Three years after it was first proposed, preparations for an African 'wall of trees' to slow down the southwards spread of the Sahara desert are finally getting underway. The 'Great Green Wall' will involve several stretches of trees from Mauritania in the west to Djibouti in the east, to protect the semi-arid savannah region of the Sahel -- and its agricultural land -- from desertification.... posted on Jul 14 2008, 2,644 reads


Green Wedding Vows
Prospective newlyweds in an Indonesian province are giving one more promise: planting trees to help slow the rapid deterioration of the country's forests. Khairul Baso and his fiancee, Andini, who received two 6-month-old teak trees along with palm, fruit and flower seedlings ahead of their wedding this weekend are one of nearly 900 couples in Gorontalo's district. Planting a tree before marriag... posted on Jun 27 2008, 2,299 reads


80 Whales Saved Overnight in Senegal
More than 100 pilot whales beached themselves into a beach on the Cap Vert peninsula in Africa. While experts are completely baffled by the mysterious incident, the Senegalese fisherman spent the whole night trying to rescue the whales. "No one slept last night because all the fishermen were called out to help save the whales," said Iba Dieye, a local fisherman from Yoff.... posted on Jun 21 2008, 2,786 reads


The Plastic Planet
An estimated one percent of thrown-away plastic bags never make it to the landfill. Instead, too many of them become street litter which first gets washed into the city's storm drains and then, when a heavy rain comes and the system overflows, gets dumped through one of the harbor estuaries. From there they head straight to the ocean where they could become accidental food for the 7 species of sea... posted on Jun 20 2008, 2,506 reads


The Girl Who Silenced The World
Born and raised in Vancouver, Severn Suzuki has been working on environmental and social justice issues since kindergarten. At age 9, she and some friends started the Environmental Children's Organization (ECO), a small group of children committed to learning and teaching other kids about environmental issues. They traveled to 1992's UN Earth Summit, where 12 year-old Severn gave this powerful spe... posted on Jun 14 2008, 4,859 reads


Zero-Emission Car
Honda has announced the release of their new Clarity hydrogen fuel cell car and refueling station. The FCX Clarity was designed to be a fuel cell vehicle that runs on electricity powered by hydrogen, and emits only water vapor and heat into the air. Due to a lack of public refueling stations, the car will be piloted by a few Californians in summer of 2008. However, Honda is developing The Home En... posted on Jun 07 2008, 3,304 reads


Random Acts of Rebate
In June 2008 British Columbia's provincial government will mail all their Residents a $100 Climate Action Dividend, with the hope that citizens will invest the money in reducing their personal carbon usage. Polls say that most British Columbians will spend their $100 on beer or gas, but a small group of friends started pooling their Climate Action Dividends to collectively perform "Random Acts of... posted on May 30 2008, 1,784 reads


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Sometimes when we say a "broken heart", we are talking about a real broken heart.
Sandeep Jauhar

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