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You are Brilliant -- and the Earth is Hiring
An excerpt from Paul Hawken's 2009 commencement address at the University of Portland: "There is invisible writing on the back of the diploma you will receive, and in case you didn't bring lemon juice to decode it, I can tell you what it says: YOU ARE BRILLIANT, AND THE EARTH IS HIRING. The earth couldn't afford to send any recruiters or limos to your school. It sent you rain, sunsets, ripe cherri... posted on May 20 2009, 21,413 reads


Allison the Sea Turtle Gets a Swimsuit
Allison, a green sea turtle with only one flipper, has been going around and around and around for most of her life. But swimming in tight circles is tough for a 5-year-old turtle whose life expectancy is about 150 years. Allison was set straight Wednesday, when researchers outfitted her in a black neoprene suit with a carbon-fiber dorsal fin on the back that allows her to glide gracefully with ot... posted on Apr 27 2009, 6,981 reads


Earth Day 2009: Top Five Ideas
You've probably heard the refrain "Make Earth Day every day" a thousand times, but the 40 year-old holiday has at least one important use: innovative brand initiatives. Here is a Fast Company list of the top five environmental "gems".... posted on Apr 23 2009, 4,028 reads


Jasmine the Rescue Dog
When Jasmine the abandoned greyhound arrived at a wildlife sanctuary shivering and desperate for food, she needed all the love in the world to nurse her back to full health. Now it appears the kindness and patience shown to her has rubbed off - for the rescue dog has become a surrogate mother for the 50th time. Seven-year-old Jasmine is currently caring for tiny Bramble, an 11-week-old roe deer fa... posted on Apr 21 2009, 87,798 reads


The Tortoise & The Baby Hippo
It sounds like a fable or a fairy tale. The main characters are an orphaned baby hippopotamus, Owen, and a giant tortoise, Mzee. The hippo was rescued from a massive tsunami, and the tortoise had defied odds and had lived to be 130 years old. But the story of Owen and Mzee is absolutely true. As soon as Owen was released into the park, he immediately took cover with Mzee, and the two have become n... posted on Apr 02 2009, 5,491 reads


A Billion Go Dark On Saturday?
Starting in New Zealand's remote Chatham Islands, thousands of cities, towns, and landmarks around the world will start to go dark for Earth Hour on Saturday evening. Up to a billion people worldwide are expected to participate in this global voluntary blackout by switching off their lights from 8:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. local time. The movement, sponsored by the conservation nonprofit WWF, is design... posted on Mar 27 2009, 2,879 reads


NBA Player turned Farmer-Activist
At 6 feet 7 inches tall and 280 pounds, Will Allen is a former NBA basketball player with the biceps of an NFL lineman. The son of an illiterate laborer, Allen is now a farmer-activist, and founder of Growing Power, a nonprofit farm in the middle of Milwaukee that raises fresh produce for under-served populations with high rates of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Allen has been a leading figu... posted on Mar 22 2009, 2,539 reads


Ten Ways to Reduce Waste
"Out here where we live you are responsible for getting rid of your own garbage. ... If you've never been to your city dump I can recommend visiting one for an educational experience. We live near a medium-sized city, and its official dumpsite stretches from horizon to horizon. A complete network of ramps, lanes, traffic signs and roads criss-crosses the entire area. ... You get out of your truck ... posted on Mar 03 2009, 7,342 reads


Black Is The New White
When thirteen-year-old Andrew Davey read a blog by a leading expert in green computing, explaining how changing from a white background computer screen to a black one could save energy, he decided to put the theory to the test. He is now the proud owner of an environmentally-friendly search engine called -- a search engine with the motto "We are saving energy, now it's your turn... posted on Feb 26 2009, 5,104 reads


A Carpet Company's Transformation
As Ray Anderson was preparing to give a speech at Interface, the billion dollar carpet company he founded, he had a stark realization."I was running a company that was plundering the earth," he recalls. While Interface fully complied with the law, Ray knew that wasn't enough. So he challenged his employees to find ways to turn it all around, and forestalled objections from his own stockholders. "H... posted on Feb 10 2009, 3,409 reads


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Dalai Lama

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