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10 Ways To Make a Difference
Concerned about the future? Want to do something about greenhouse gases and climate change? Colin Beavan (founder of the No Impact Project who wrote a book about the year his family reduced their environmental impact to close to zero and found they were healthier, and happier as a result) lists ten actions for you to consider to reduce your carbon footprint. Ideas range from reduce your waste by r... posted on Feb 04 2010, 5,715 reads


Hope In A Changing Climate
Flooding, forest fires, and droughts are only some of the many problems that affect poor farming communities across the globe. A new film, Hope in a Changing Climate, documents the uplifting story of how ecosystem restoration helps stabilize climate, reduce poverty, and support sustainable agriculture. It hopes to prevent communities from over-farming and depleting their natural resources while ma... posted on Jan 29 2010, 3,321 reads


Superhero Animal Stories
A retriever fights off a cougar that attacked its 11 year old owner. A pot-bellied pig blocked traffic to get attention to its heart-attack stricken owner. Planet Green recounts these and the other top uplifting stories of "superhero" animals rescuing their owners. Watch to hear some amazing stories from both traditional and non-traditional pets.... posted on Jan 28 2010, 3,894 reads


Slow Money: Bringing Money Down To Earth
Woody Tasch has thought a lot about money: what it does, how it moves, and how to connect people who have it with people who need it. He even helped found a field of investing with the rather surprising name "community development venture capital." But he found that even socially responsible investing couldn't do much to fix an economy that focused too much on extraction and consumption and too li... posted on Jan 13 2010, 4,304 reads


Who Wants To Be A Billionaire? I Don't.
Jeffrey Lee is not interested in the soaring price of uranium, which could make him one of the world's richest men. "This is my country. Look, it's beautiful and I fear somebody will disturb it," he says, waving his arm across a view of rocky land surrounded by Kakadu National Park, where the French energy giant Areva wants to extract 14,000 tonnes of uranium worth more than $5 billion. Mr Lee, th... posted on Jan 12 2010, 4,023 reads


The Melody of Birds On Wire
While reading a newspaper, Jarbas Agnelli was struck by a photograph of birds on an electric wire. Their positioning on several wires made him think of a musical staff. He cut out the photograph and decided to make a song, using the bird's exact locations to determine which notes to play. "I knew it wasn't the most original idea in the universe," Agnelli says in an explanation on his website. "I w... posted on Jan 04 2010, 7,225 reads


In Copehagen: A 15-year-old's Call to Action
15-year-old Mohamed Axam Maumoon, a Climate Ambassador from the Maldives, is in Copenhagen this week, asking world leaders to take on climate change. Maldives is one of the countries on the front lines of climate change -- eighty percent of the land lies three feet or less above the waves. The predicted sea level rise caused by global warming could wipe the country off the map. Democracy Now inter... posted on Dec 16 2009, 3,132 reads


Sharing Nature's Design
Janine Benyus has spent her life learning about nature and the environment all over the world. However, she doesn't do it simply to share and experience the beauty and wonder of the natural world. She spends her time teaching about nature to help people design better products and improve existing technology. Listen to the amazing stories of how nature solves many of the problems we struggle with.... posted on Dec 06 2009, 4,165 reads


Greenest School in America
Spending a day sorting through trash is not how most high school students use their free time. However, students at Irvington High SChool in Fremont, CA, do exactly that. This school's environmental club was recently voted the Greenest School in America. Watch how the school earned this title by sorting through all the school's trash, looking for recyclables and things to be composted. These s... posted on Dec 03 2009, 3,091 reads


The Victory of the Commons
Over many decades, Elinor Ostrom has documented how various communities manage common resources -- grazing lands, forests, irrigation waters, fisheries -- equitably and sustainably over the long term. The Nobel Committee's recognition of her work effectively debunks popular theories about the Tragedy of the Commons, which hold that private property is the only effective method to prevent finite re... posted on Nov 19 2009, 3,164 reads


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