Mind & Body
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Six Ways to Sustainable Happiness
"Sustainable happiness takes into account that happiness is interconnected with other people, other species, and the natural environment by a remarkable web of interdependence. This means that our daily actions and decisions contribute to -- or detract from -- our own well-being, and that of others. Sometimes things that make us happy may harm our community, ecosystems, or future generations. Sus... posted on Mar 29 2013, 41,553 reads


Write Therapy: Patient As Narrator
While illness is universal, many of us find it difficult to face its grim truths. But writers and celebrities like Susan Sontag, Christopher Reeve, and Michael J. Fox among others have tackled the subject head on through their writing. In the last 20 years, increasing numbers of patients have written crisis or illness memoirs that have far reaching ripple effects. While the writing itself can be c... posted on Mar 24 2013, 14,832 reads


James Doty on Magic, Compassion and the Brain
James Doty is no stranger to struggle. He served as a caregiver in a family whose mother was an invalid and father suffered from alcoholism. They were on public assistance all that time. As he said, "At that age you feel like a leaf being blown by an ill wind." ...At age 13 he wandered into a magic store and had a serendipitous conversation with the mother of the owner who was there. She took ... posted on Feb 22 2013, 21,372 reads


The Science of Storytelling
"For over 27,000 years, since the first cave paintings were discovered, telling stories has been one of our most fundamental communication methods. Recently a good friend of mine gave me an introduction to the power of storytelling, and I wanted to learn more. Here is the science around storytelling and how we can use it to make better decisions every day." This intriguing article shares more.... posted on Feb 21 2013, 54,019 reads


The Art of Slowing Down
"One key to taking care of ourselves lies in learning how to slow down. I have a friend who's in the middle of a well-deserved sabbatical. These months represent the first chance she's had in two decades to unwind a bit as a working, single mom. 'It's just incredible,' she remarked, 'having time to exercise and read and cook meals and walk outside -- it's really unbelievable.' 'I'm curious,' I ask... posted on Feb 11 2013, 22,527 reads


Why Gratitude Makes Us Healthier
"Our world is pretty messed up. With all the violence, pollution and crazy things people do, it would be easy to turn into a grouchy old man without being either elderly or male. There's certainly no shortage of justification for disappointment and cynicism. But consider this: Negative attitudes are bad for you. And gratitude, it turns out, makes you happier and healthier (...) if you can find any... posted on Jan 24 2013, 38,255 reads


7 Ways to Make Happiness Last
When neurosurgeon Allan Hamilton was diagnosed with cancer, the "c-word" that he had used so often in his practice suddenly became personal and life-changing. Like many other cancer patients, his treatment journey was a mix of emotions. "Each time, the battery of tests would roll around again, I would find myself transported. I would want to hold on to the magic of that moment but, hard as I might... posted on Jan 22 2013, 51,583 reads


The Last of the Human Freedoms
"True freedom lies in choice -- this is one of the core insights in the writings of Viktor Frankl, a pyschiatrist who was imprisoned in a Nazi concentration camp. In the best-selling book, Man's Search for Meaning, Frankl described his profound experiences: 'We who lived in concentration camps can remember the men who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their last piece of brea... posted on Dec 31 2012, 22,202 reads


Learning How To Forgive
"What exactly is forgiveness? When we are in the state of unforgiving, we are holding on to a grudge. A grudge is a story of hurt and resentment that we believe to be true and repeat over and over in our thoughts. It lodges in our body and mind like a freeloading visitor who won't leave. It keeps our hearts clamped shut, depletes our energy, and hijacks our creativity. The story of the grudge invo... posted on Dec 23 2012, 0 reads


Vulnerability: The Key to Emotional Intimacy
She may not be a household name just yet, but when you refer to "the woman who talks about vulnerability," the seven million viewers of her TEDTalks videos know you mean Brene Brown. A research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, Brown has been studying shame, fear, and vulnerability for 12 years. She has presented her findings in three books, on national televi... posted on Dec 20 2012, 55,144 reads


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Quote Bulletin

The ability to flexibly move between states is a sign of well-being and resilience.
Deb Dana

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