Mind & Body
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A nine-year study of the mortality rate among 21,000 adults found that those who attended religious services more than once a week lived up to seven years longer than those who did not.... posted on Mar 28 2003, 885 reads


A growing body of research suggests that millions are managing their stress in precisely the wrong way. They compartmentalize by stressing out all day — and then push off relaxation to isolated blocks of time like evening yoga classes and weekend getaways. But this binge-and-purge approach to stress management won't work. Wall Street Journal reports: you have to deal with stress as it happen... posted on Mar 20 2003, 1,216 reads


A Spiritual Shift in Physics
A professor of physics at the University of Oregon and a member of its Institute of Theoretical Science, Dr. Amit Goswami is part of a growing body of renegade scientists who in recent years have ventured into the domain of the spiritual in an attempt both to interpret the seemingly inexplicable findings of their experiments and to validate their intuitions about the existence of a spiritual dimen... posted on Feb 27 2003, 1,523 reads


When two people are in close proximity, one's electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is registered in the other's electroencephalogram (EEG). In other words, one person's heartbeat signal is registered in the other person's brainwaves, and vice versa ... even without any physical contact! ... posted on Feb 18 2003, 1,032 reads


New York Times yesterday reported that when people are emotionally distressed — anxious, angry, depressed — the most active sites in the brain are circuitry converging on the amygdala, part of the brain's emotional centers, and the right prefrontal cortex of the brain. By contrast, when people are in positive moods — upbeat, enthusiastic and energized — those sites are quiet, with the hei... posted on Feb 06 2003, 1,347 reads


Time Magazine's cover story last week read: "Your Mind, Your Body: How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body." With more research, it's becoming evident that the mind and body belong to an indivisible continuum, that our moods and emotions are connected to our physical health.... posted on Feb 01 2003, 1,284 reads


75 to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians result from stress-related disorders.... posted on Jan 10 2003, 1,111 reads


Whether it is 100,000 pogo jumps in 13 hours at Central Park, balancing a milk bottle on his head for 81 miles, jumping 130,000 ropes in 24 hours or balancing 75 glasses on his chin, Ashrita Furman has set 72 unexplainable world records! For him, though, it is a practice of "joy and fulfilment of self-transcendence" to challenge his limits and transform his weaknesses.... posted on Dec 18 2002, 3,978 reads


... posted on Oct 27 2002, 951 reads


The results are in: The nature of humankind is good. That was Vineetha Joseph's winning answer in the second annual Kids Philosophy Slam held on April 20 in Lanesboro, Minnesota. Her title? The "Most Philosophical Student" in America. ... posted on Oct 04 2002, 976 reads


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Laura van Dernoot Lipsky

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