Mind & Body
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Marathon Monks
No Nikes, no Air Jordans, no medical aid stations along the route. They run it on straw sandals. On route they make about 250 stops to pray and to chant. The "marathon monks" of Mount Hiei run a full marathon every day for more than six months, culminating with 100 days of 2 back-to-back Olympic marathons daily. Practically all known long distance running records are shattered by these Japenese... posted on May 13 2004, 1,330 reads


Back to the Core
In two illustrations that accompany writings on meditation by a 17th-century Sufi master, the Arabic letters for Allah are used to depict the human heart, according to translator Carl W. Ernst. Sufism, like a number of mystical religious traditions, has long regarded the heart as the gateway to God, nirvana, enlightenment. Science, over the past two decades, has been catching up. Today, the hear... posted on Apr 27 2004, 1,271 reads


Meaning of a Flower
... posted on Apr 25 2004, 904 reads


World's Oldest Worker
The world's oldest worker is calling it quits. Ray Crist, a retired scientist who worked on the Manhattan Project, put down his pointer Tuesday at age 104. Does that mean he’s calling it quits? No way. "When you have a mission, you go after it," said Crist, "And I am still going after it."... posted on Apr 16 2004, 1,026 reads


Risk something for love
It was never going to be easy for the American sergeant and the Iraqi doctor who fell in love in Baghdad - he was kicked out of the army and the country and she was threatened in the street. But now the couple, who married last August and haven't seen each other since, are to be reunited.... posted on Feb 17 2004, 1,828 reads


Monks and Scientists
He’s the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize winner, author of many best-sellers, a revered spiritual figure and Tibet's leader-in-exile. But a wannabe engineer? Indeed, the Dalai Lama has often quipped that engineering would have been his preferred path had he not become a monk. But it was brain science, not engineering, that brought the Dalai Lama to MIT last September; at that Investigating the Mind co... posted on Feb 10 2004, 2,512 reads


Understanding Change
You appear to be the same outwardly, yet you are like a building whose bricks are constantly being replaced by new ones. Every year, fully 98 percent of the total number of atoms in your body are replaced - this has been confirmed by radioisotope studies at the Oak Ridge laboratories in California.... posted on Feb 03 2004, 1,203 reads


Most Compelling Frontier
In 1971, he was the sixth man to walk the surface of the moon. Traveling back to Earth, through the abyss between the two worlds, Apollo 14 astronaut Edgar Mitchell had an experience for which nothing in his life had prepared him. As he approached the planet we know as home, he became engulfed by a profound sensation "a sense of universal connectedness." His life would never be the same again. H... posted on Jan 29 2004, 2,512 reads


Measuring Emotions
Can you measure anger, love, joy? After 20 years of research, Dr. David Hawkins says yes. In his book "Power vs. Force", he presents a tool for assessing value and motive and creates a "Map of Consciousness" that illuminates the spiritual ladder we must follow as a race and as individuals. Using this method, Dr. Hawkins has made a logarithmic scale ranking of different levels of energy, from sh... posted on Jan 24 2004, 1,185 reads


Simple Religion
Care of the sick originated from religious teachings. The first hospitals were built and staffed by religious orders. Many hospitals even today are religiously affiliated. The first nurses and many early physicians were from religious orders. Not until the mid-20th century did a true separation develop.... posted on Jan 23 2004, 1,372 reads


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