Mind & Body
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Mirror Neurons
It's billed as the most important neural discovery of the last decade: mirror neurons. The human brain has multiple mirror neuron systems that specialize in carrying out and understanding not just the actions of others but their intentions, the social meaning of their behavior and their emotions. When a person watches someone else perform an action -- say a kick -- mirror neurons in the brain si... posted on Jan 18 2006, 1,982 reads


Sleep It Off
Got a tough problem to figure out? Try sleeping on it. German scientists have shown how the brain can crack complex mental puzzles while its owner is sleeping. Their research suggests that brains restructure information from the previous day during sleep in such a way that problems are easier to solve. ... posted on Jan 12 2006, 1,953 reads


Regular yoga sessions may be an effective way to combat chronic lower back pain. Researchers found that those who practiced weekly 75-minute yoga classes were better able to do daily activities involving the back, reported less pain, and used less pain relieving drugs than those who took part in strengthening and stretching classes. ... posted on Dec 20 2005, 1,616 reads


Feeling scatter-brained? New research suggests that the ability to ignore irrelevant information has more to do with being able to remember objects than having a large memory capacity. This ability to focus leaves more brain room to memorize pertinent information.
... posted on Nov 24 2005, 1,494 reads


Love Life
Tired of working? Consider that 102-year-old Dr. Russell Clark, America's oldest worker, started working in real estate development at 83 after retiring his sixty-year career as a physician. What’s his secret? A positive attitude, staying physically active, and being involved in the community.... posted on Oct 21 2005, 1,797 reads


Fountain of Youth
Want a wonder anti-aging drug to keep your mind sharp, and prevent dementia? It’s as easy as walking. Recent studies on aging confirm that exercise increases the production of key brain chemicals which encourage the growth of brain and nerve cells and the development of new neural connections. In contrast, stress and social isolation act to age the brain. ... posted on Sep 10 2005, 1,563 reads


Beyond Limits
Hilary Lister, using controls powered by her breath, become the first solo quadriplegic sailor to cross the English Channel. Asked why she did it, she replied, "I want to get able-bodied people to rethink their views about the disabled".... posted on Aug 26 2005, 1,412 reads


Unleashing the Genius
Good news, you're a genius! Infact, everyone is born with the capacity to be a genius. That particular talent is located in the right brain but unfortunately schools are unilaterally geared to the left brain, which is rational, linear and selfish, while the right brain is geared towards intuition, love for others, and the absorption of a lot of information. Geniuses are merely people that have fo... posted on Aug 18 2005, 1,452 reads


Human Touch
Turns out that hugging is good for the heart in more ways than one. Researchers from the University of North Carolina found that hugs increased levels of oxytocin, a "bonding" hormone, and reduced blood pressure - which cuts the risk of heart disease. ... posted on Aug 11 2005, 1,735 reads


A Good Night's Sleep
The average adult requires seven to eight hours a sleep a night and anything less could affect mental alertness, impair the immune system, and even increase the risk for diseases like diabetes. Sleep is as important to health as exercise and a healthy diet, yet many people are increasingly sleep deprived.... posted on Apr 01 2005, 1,451 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.
Kahlil Gibran

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