Mind & Body
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10 Scientific Insights That Could Change Your Year!
The tide of psychology, which has traditionally probed into the dysfunctions of the human mind, has been shifting to a rigorous examination of its virtuous aspects. The "positive psychology" movement is unraveling universal human behaviours and experiences such as altruism, empathy, meaning, and happiness. For instance, in the past several years, researchers have found that a meaningful life is he... posted on Feb 04 2014, 0 reads


How Doctors Die
What does it mean to provide true healthcare? Do we look to doctors to cure and save us, or to help improve our quality of life? Already under immense pressure, today's doctors face a stark paradox: providing more care often means a larger paycheck and less risk of litigation, but doesn't always correspond with a patient's wishes or a doctor's better judgment. Speaking from his own experience, Ken... posted on Jan 25 2014, 114,668 reads


10 Scientific Insights That Could Change Your Year!
The tide of psychology, which has traditionally probed into the dysfunctions of the human mind, has been shifting to a rigorous examination of its virtuous aspects. The "positive psychology" movement is unraveling universal human behaviours and experiences such as altruism, empathy, meaning, and happiness. For instance, in the past several years, researchers have found that a meaningful life is he... posted on Jan 23 2014, 128,725 reads


3 Resolutions For a Happier Year
I do understand why people don't like New Year's resolutions: They can be a source of failure, year after year. Folks often pick resolutions that are inherently unrewarding, that necessitate relentless hard work, or that remind them of their mortality in a way that makes them feel small instead of grateful ... Over the years I've learned a lot of tricks for successfully keeping my resolutions. And... posted on Jan 01 2014, 76,206 reads


How Sleep Makes You Smart
About one-third of our lives are spent in reverie, and yet little is known about how sleep is linked to intellectual and emotional intelligence. Researchers are unravelling this mystery and are finding that sleep - especially deep sleep - confers emotional balance, opens us to learning, cements memory, and strengthens our ability to make meaning of facts and experiences. Sleep, as it turns out, is... posted on Dec 24 2013, 70,746 reads


How To Make Stress Your Friend
Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Health psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive. If you believe that your body is energized and preparing you to take action, your physical... posted on Dec 22 2013, 10,710 reads


The Thinking Habit That Changed My Life
Writing out a gratitude list can be a simple, yet profound act. "It's interesting, because so much of our lives are spent in unconscious mental habits. Without knowing it, we complain, we nitpick, we stress about little faults; we see the bad in people and situations. Changing that doesn't happen immediately. However, you can change a little at a time. Start with a small gratitude session, and ... posted on Dec 14 2013, 83,817 reads


Grateful: A Love Song to the World
Inspired by the 21-Day Gratitude Challenge, talented musicians Nimo Patel and Daniel Nahmod brought together dozens of people from around the world to create this beautiful, heart-opening melody -- a celebration of our spirit and all that is a blessing in life. For 21 Days, over 11,000 participants from 118 countries practiced exactly that, learning that 'gratefulness' is a habit cultivated consci... posted on Nov 27 2013, 11,383 reads


How To Think Like A Wise Person
"If I asked you to judge how smart someone is, you'd know where to start. But if you were going to assess how wise that person is, what qualities would you consider?" In this compelling article, Dr. Adam Grant discusses the latest research on determinants of wisdom and some of the outcomes of living a wise life.... posted on Nov 20 2013, 58,023 reads


How to Make Giving Feel Good
"On a fine summer morning in Vancouver, British Columbia, a graduate student approached passersby with a box of envelopes and an unusual request: "Are you willing to be in an experiment?" If people said yes, she asked them how happy they were, got their phone number, and handed them one of her mysterious envelopes. When people opened the envelope, they found a five dollar bill, accompanied by a s... posted on Nov 11 2013, 33,176 reads


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Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.
Anne Sexton

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