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They Sang with a Thousand Tongues
"Might I venture to say that our most compelling imperative today--if one is permitted to speak in those ways--is to reclaim the thickness of our tongues and learn the names and faces of our neighbours; it is to realize that our worldview is just a tittle in a never-ending sentence; it is to see that there are more ways to learn than school and polished degrees could ever accommodate and more ways... posted on Apr 25 2021, 6,805 reads


Gardening as Resistance: Notes on Building Paradise
"The gardener digs in another time, without past or future, beginning or end...Here is the Amen beyond the prayer," Derek Jarman wrote as he grieved his dying friends, faced his own death, and contemplated art, mortality, and resistance while planting a garden between an old lighthouse and a new nuclear plant on a barren shingled shore. Jarman is one of the artists whom Olivia Laing profiles and c... posted on Apr 24 2021, 6,169 reads


Friend of the Water
"Above a clear, rocky stream, a tiny green tree frog perches on the belly of a leaf. Turning its minute snout toward the water, the frog lets out three chirps in the dark, struggling to make itself known. The act of naming is never a discovery, but a description of what always was there, a sound connected to a thought in time. The heart within the translucent chest of the tiny frog by the stream b... posted on Apr 23 2021, 2,750 reads


The Voice of the River
In 1973, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prepared to open a new dam project, flooding miles of the Stanislaus River Canyon, a beautiful, pristine river valley flowing from the western Sierra Nevada mountains into California's Central Valley. In 1979, Mark Dubois chained himself to a boulder behind the New Melones Dam and threw away the key. "If you guys are going to flood 9 million years of evolu... posted on Apr 22 2021, 2,462 reads


Melting Away: A Conversation with Camille Seaman
Camille Seaman's journey to becoming a pre-eminent photographer and environmental activist is remarkable and inspiring in equal parts. "Why is my picture of an iceberg resonating with you in a way that someone else's picture of an iceberg didn't? I can only answer personally that I think my intention of looking at this thing as a living creature, as a being unto itself, an ancient being, and honor... posted on Apr 21 2021, 2,046 reads


Motherhood: Facing & Finding Yourself
"Bestselling author and psychologist James Hillman proposed what he called the acorn theory of psychological development. He contended that we each enter the world carrying something unique that asks to be lived out through us. Just as the destiny of the oak tree is contained within the acorn, we arrive in life with something we need to do and someone we need to become. What waits to awaken in eac... posted on Apr 20 2021, 8,452 reads


Reclaiming Our Common Home
"The path to an ecological civilization is paved by reclaiming the commons--our common home, the Earth, and the commons of the Earth family, of which we are a part. Through reclaiming the commons, we can imagine possibility for our common future, and we can sow the seeds of abundance through 'commoning.'" Vandana Shiva shares more here.... posted on Apr 19 2021, 6,757 reads


On This Our World Turns
"Imagine that you are born into poverty.Imagine that, during your grade school years, a teacher recognizes your artistic talent. Imagine that the teacher enrolls you in a government-funded art class, held weekly at a local museum.
Imagine that, every Saturday, your mother puts you onto public transportation. She trusts that you'll be safely delivered to the museum, where an art instructor w... posted on Apr 18 2021, 5,594 reads


Fabiana Fondevila: The Many Flavors of Wonder
Fabiana Fondevila is an Argentinian writer, speaker, teacher, and all-around wonder activist. She began her career as a journalist and war correspondent, working for the main outlets in her native country. Returning to spiritual questions, she then spent years interviewing some of the world's top thinkers, mystics, scientists and philosophers in search of a map. And then, life transpired: her olde... posted on Apr 17 2021, 6,125 reads


Crisis Kitchen
Crisis Kitchen is a mutual aid group that has emerged during the coronavirus pandemic in Portland, Oregon, as a means to help people thrive. It was begun by laid off restaurant workers as the COVID-19 pandemic worsened and caused more and more people to become food insecure. High quality, delicious meals are prepared and delivered by volunteers, utilizing donated space and are available for free. ... posted on Apr 16 2021, 1,780 reads


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