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The Way of the Nomad
A "global nomad" with strong African roots, Wakanyi Hoffman and her husband have been raising their four multicultural and mixed race children across seven countries, three continents, on a mission to teach them to embrace the whole world as their home. They have called Kenya, United States, Nepal, Philippines, Ethiopia, Thailand and now the Netherlands home. "Life as a nomad, as we had come to un... posted on Jun 05 2021, 4,818 reads


Emergence Disturbs the Concept of Linearity
When Bayo Akomolafe was a child he prayed to God for a "faith-o-meter" -- some kind of tool that would measure his worthiness and assure him of his place in heaven. "Of course I didn't get my prayer answered," he says. "But I got something better than an answer, I got bewildered, and I am in a state of bewilderment now." An academic, poet and philosopher, Bayo Akomolafe has dedicated his life to m... posted on Jun 04 2021, 2,143 reads


Phone of the Wind
"'Hello. If you're out there, please listen to me.' On a hill overlooking the ocean in Otsuchi Town in northeastern Japan is a phone booth known as the 'Telephone of the Wind.' It is connected to nowhere, but people come to 'call' family members lost during the tsunami of the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Many visit the phone booth including a mother and 3 children who have lost their father. ... posted on Jun 03 2021, 3,302 reads


The Forest of Orchids
"As Colombia continues to suffer violence and unrest, one family seeks to change the country's story from one of destruction to one of restoration and healing by planting thousands of native orchids across a mountainside."... posted on Jun 02 2021, 4,078 reads


The Alchemy of Bowing
"Since the third century CE to this day, bowing to the Buddha is the most common practice for Asian Buddhists. However, among Westerners, bowing practice, as compared with meditation, is not as well-known. Last summer, I had an opportunity to speak with Reverend Heng Sure, the director of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, and asked for more information about Buddhist bowing and repentance. In the l... posted on Jun 01 2021, 6,317 reads


Love Letters from Seaweed
"Love Letters from Seaweed was created during the summer months I spent exploring mid-Coast Maine. Each day just before sunrise, I biked to Birch Point Beach to witness the shores changing topography and the traces of ocean life spilled by the tide. Intrigued, I photographed spontaneous configurations of seaweed and natural artifacts in unworldly colors, brought together by spume and sand." Visua... posted on May 31 2021, 4,936 reads


To Become a Better Leader, Question Your Assumptions
"When Wharton management professor Adam Grant sat down to write his new book, Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know, he wanted to make the case for why executives should reconsider their approaches to how to manage people in a modern workplace and embrace new ideas, based on systematic evidence." Here he discusses why it's important for leaders to question their assumptions around ... posted on May 30 2021, 5,321 reads


Rumi, Grace & Human Friendship
Tami Simon speaks with Coleman Barks-- a leading scholar and translator of the 13th-century Persian mystic Jelaluddin Rumi-- about the extraordinary friendship between Rumi and his teacher Shams Tabrizi.... posted on May 29 2021, 5,455 reads


Asha Gond at the Skating World Championships
Change means movement. If you want change you have to disrupt something. See how one skateboarding park in a rural Indian village rippled out into changes in gender restrictions, caste restrictions and poverty restrictions through the voices of Ulrike Reinhard, the founder of the skateboarding park, and Asha Gond, a young member of the tribal community in the village of Janwaar.... posted on May 28 2021, 2,272 reads


We're Gonna Carry That Weight A Long Time
"All houses have memory. Life's big occasions--the triumphs and heartbreak--drift through like smoke, leaving barely a trace. It's the small moments they remember: the hollow at the turn of the stair, the scratches around the keyhole, or wood darkened by touch. "How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives," wrote Annie Dillard, and the houses we spend them in record it all."... posted on May 27 2021, 4,281 reads


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The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.
W.B. Yeats

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