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Time to Shed Our Skins
Nils Kercher and Kira Kaipainen are life partners and unique world musicians who simultaneously draws listeners into the stark realities of our greater world, while also drawing them inward into the dazzling potentials of the human spirit. Theirs is a music that believes deeply in our fundamental interconnection, and the capacity we have to heal together. In the music they create together, the int... posted on Dec 08 2021, 5,050 reads


Tell Them What We Have Learned Here...
"There has been an emerging awareness of a body of work that arose during the Second World War. Fragments of it have been known for some years to disparate groups of academics and their students, but it is as if now, in the 21st century, these writings are forming themselves into a body, steadily enjoining us to give them our attention. The group has become known as the 'Death Cell Philosophers' a... posted on Dec 07 2021, 3,279 reads


Born On Third Base
At age 26, a powerful experience defined multi-millionaire Chuck Collin's path. Realizing that "there was no rationale that could justify this disparity" whereby his inherited wealth was increasing through no sweat of his own, but wages were going down for so many, he decided to give away his wealth. "I wrote my parents a letter thanking them for the tremendous opportunities this wealth made possi... posted on Dec 06 2021, 6,919 reads


How An Apple Tree Transformed My Life
"I was in between creative projects and feeling the need to do something more dynamic with my energy than sitting at the computer sending and receiving emails, so I followed an impulse to a local biodynamic farm and got a job picking apples during the last six weeks of harvest. The notion was quite romantic initially...I'd spend my days wandering the orchard rows connecting with my Muse, and my ev... posted on Dec 05 2021, 4,105 reads


The Power of Giving
"Fariba Safai and Ashley Smith were still students at CCA when they decided to do something radical. They decided to prepare a large batch of home made soup (from a favorite recipe of Faribas mother), to construct a cart able to wheel a very large stainless steel pot along a sidewalk, and to make their way to Union Square in San Francisco on Black Friday[the day after Thanksgiving and largest shop... posted on Dec 04 2021, 1,728 reads


Heart Light in Dark Times
"I've been reflecting on the environmental crisis, and as I do, I find myself in the darkness, as I imagine we all are to some degree. And that says something, something we shouldnt brush aside or try to make go away. This is a place for sharing truth -- and the truth right now is darkness. I sometimes reflect on how I've been practicing meditation, morality, restraint, generosity, sharing, and si... posted on Dec 03 2021, 4,917 reads


The Well of Being
The Well of Being is an exquisite 'children's book for adults,' one that encompasses the journey of life from the Big Bang, to this very moment that we find (or lose) ourselves in. Jean-Pierre Weill spent three years writing and illustrating this book about himself-- and perhaps everyone. Playful and profound in its approach to the human condition, Weill's words and whimsical drawings reveal the ... posted on Dec 02 2021, 3,419 reads


The Nap Ministry: Rest as Resistance
"I think all of these things are working to get us back to our full selves and back to who we are: divine human beings. That's one of the central ideas of the Nap Ministry: you are not a machine, you are a divine human being. If you knew your divinity, you would not be grinding. You would not allow for grind culture. You wouldn't allow yourself to miss sleep. If you saw yourself deeply as who you ... posted on Dec 01 2021, 3,883 reads


Transforming Trauma
"This is the timeless wisdom of the shamans, our planet's oldest indigenous healers, and also of our great religious and spiritual traditions: suffering is the soil in which wisdom and compassion grow; it is the school from which we graduate, committed to healing others' hurt. Recent scientific studies on post-traumatic growth yield similar conclusions.This is what I know after fifty years of clin... posted on Nov 30 2021, 4,850 reads


The Golden Rule & The Transformation of Being
"The most ancient of principles that binds all religious and philosophical traditions together is what we have come to call 'The Golden Rule.' Simple in its statement, its actual practice seems at best fitful and, for many, difficult to impossible, from the level of our ordinary consciousness. To be able to practice the principle even with those we already love is not always easy. To practice it w... posted on Nov 29 2021, 4,243 reads


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Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)

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