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Desmond Tutu: Father of South Africa's Rainbow Nation
"Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Mpilo Tutu has died at the age of 90. Archbishop Tutu earned the respect and love of millions of South Africans and the world. He carved out a permanent place in their hearts and minds, becoming known affectionately as 'The Arch.' When South Africans woke up on the morning of 7 April, 2017 to protest against then President Jacob Zuma's removal of the respected Finance... posted on Jan 07 2022, 3,292 reads


Words Can Change Your Brain
"We wrote this book to help people to speak more honestly with each other, and to listen to each other more deeply. And we also wrote this book because the newest findings in neuroscience can teach us how to become better communicators, how to build deeper bonds of trust, and how to resolve conflicts without getting frightened or mad. We wrote this book to talk about the power of words, but we als... posted on Jan 06 2022, 11,265 reads


How to Support a Loved One Struggling with Mental Health
"Every one of us has mental health in the same way that every one of us has physical health. Yet despite the prevalence of mental health struggles, there is still so much stigma around them. Worldwide the leading cause of disability is depression, according to the World Health Organization, and in the US alone, nearly 1 in 5 of adults lives with a mental illness. As a mental health therapist-in-tr... posted on Jan 05 2022, 7,481 reads


10 Insights from 2021 That Give Us Hope
As 2022 sets sail, the editors of the inspiring news portal KarunaVirus, share ten insights gleaned over the past year, as they witnessed everyday people all over the world choosing love over fear in a multitude of different ways. Read on for a dazzling constellation of stories of compassion, resilience, ingenuity, sportsmanship and more!... posted on Jan 04 2022, 15,071 reads


Releasing Contracts that Block Joy
"Self-warmth makes everything better: our health, our immune system, our life decisions, our sense of meaning, our capacity for engagement, our effectiveness, and our intimate connections with others. But we may have agreements with ourselves, agreements we don't even know about, to NOT be warm with ourselves. We may have contracts to not like ourselves, to be indifferent, even to hate and be cru... posted on Jan 03 2022, 6,972 reads


Attainable Aspirations Inspired By Great Humans of the Past
"If Montaigne was right -- he was --that philosophy is the art of learning to die, then living wisely is the art of learning how you will wish to have lived. A kind of resolution in reverse. This is where the wisdom of lives that have already been lived can be of immense aid -- a source of forward-facing resolutions, borrowed from people who have long died, having lived, by any reasonable standard... posted on Jan 02 2022, 7,528 reads


Turn New Year's Resolutions into Revelations
New Year's resolutions tend to be about wanting more of something we desire and/or less of something we do not, and while they surely have their noble side, they also often emanate from subtle and less subtle forms of perceived lack, scarcity, comparison, self-flagellation, and judgment. The 'should' and 'should not' messages we send ourselves when we make resolutions can be harsh and incriminatin... posted on Jan 01 2022, 5,204 reads


'New Day's Lyric': Amanda Gorman
As 2021 draws to a close, poet Amanda Gorman has released a new poem. In her words, this poem was created to, "celebrate the new year and honor the hurt & the humanity of the last one." The poem begins with these words: "This hope is our door, our portal..." You can read the whole poem here.... posted on Dec 31 2021, 51,067 reads


Love: Life's Greatest Gift
"Love is life's greatest gift. We seek for love, and yet it is all around and within us. It belongs to the oneness of life, to every dewdrop on every leaf, to the spider spinning its web, the child looking at the stars. If we open our senses and open our hearts, we can feel its presence. Love is life speaking to us of its real mystery. And in that conversation so many things can happen, so many mi... posted on Dec 30 2021, 6,358 reads


Maple Syrup: Taste of Wonder
"But sometime in February, just when we grew restless and a little weary from the lack of color all winter, from the scarves, boots, shovels, and crockpot stews, we'd feel the flurries of my favorite type of snow: a sugar snow, thick and heavy, hugging the base of the sugarbush--what a forest of sugar maples made for tapping is called--while keeping the roots cool enough that they don't start deve... posted on Dec 29 2021, 2,677 reads


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Quote Bulletin

When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.
Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

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