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Writing a Better Story
"When I wrote the song Writing A Better Story I was in the process of doing some very deep inner work, which included stories of personal trauma but also legacy burdens that had been carried for generations and finally given to me. There are stories I carry and you carry that support us, sustain us, inspire us to be kinder better people and work for the better kinder world. There are stories we ... posted on Feb 17 2022, 5,108 reads


10 Life-Changing Perspectives On Anger
We all have had our moments of impatience, rage and frustration...but how do these moments affect our lives? Get curious about anger, and you just might discover an untapped well of vital energy that improves your life circumstances and wakes you up to the whole of life. This article offers 10 powerful perspectives on anger. ... posted on Feb 16 2022, 206,941 reads


Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation
"There are plenty of books that teach how to influence the behavior of others, but anyone who's set a personal goal knows it's a lot tougher to apply those lessons inward. Ayelet Fishbach, a behavioral science and marketing professor at the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business, has written a new book that can help. Get It Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation, which w... posted on Feb 15 2022, 3,427 reads


Robert Lax: A Life Slowly Lived
"Robert Lax was an American writer and poet who developed a unique style of abstract poetry, described by Jack Kerouac as 'one of the great original voices of our time'. He was also a contemplative who, outside of a formal monastic context, adopted a lifestyle based upon simplicity and prayer which was an inspiration to his many friends and visitors. Thomas Merton, his closest friend, immortalised... posted on Feb 14 2022, 6,464 reads


The Really Terrible Orchestra
"Some years ago, a group of frustrated people in Scotland decided that the pleasure of playing in an orchestra should not be limited to those who are good enough to do so, but should be available to the rankest of amateurs. So we founded the Really Terrible Orchestra, an inclusive orchestra for those who really want to play, but who cannot do so very well. Or cannot do so at all, in some cases. My... posted on Feb 13 2022, 8,039 reads


The Power of Placebos
"Since the 1800s, the word placebo has been used to refer to a fake treatment, meaning one that does not contain any active, physical substance. Today, placebos play a crucial role in medical studies in which some participants are given the treatment containing the active ingredients of the medicine, and others are given a placebo. These types of studies help tell researchers which medicines are e... posted on Feb 12 2022, 5,304 reads


Hargila: A Story of Love & Conservation
In an age of massive global extinctions, a remarkable wildlife biologist in Indias Northeast shows the life-saving impact of simple, direct local action. When Dr. Purnima Devi Barman decided to dedicate herself to the survival of the Hargila, Assam's resident greater adjutant crane, the local population in Guwahati was a mere 20 nests. The scruffy, prehistoric bird was detested and routinely kille... posted on Feb 11 2022, 2,089 reads


Trauma, the Body and 2021
"When Krista Tippett interviewed the psychiatrist and trauma specialist Bessel van der Kolk for the first time, his book The Body Keeps the Score was about to be published. She described him then as "an innovator in treating the effects of overwhelming experiences on people and society." She catches up with him in 2021 -- as we are living through one vast overwhelming experience after the other. A... posted on Feb 10 2022, 7,503 reads


The Gurukul System of Training: An Indigenous Pedagogy
"It all began with a simple yet deep dissatisfaction when I was 20. On the first day of my first job, I spurned the possibility of how my time would be spent. With a clear intuition that I did not want to engage in commercial work whose end was just financial transactions; an inward journey had unknowingly begun. The discomfort, which was actually a yearning for something more than the perceivabl... posted on Feb 09 2022, 2,732 reads


Alicia Doyle: Fighting Chance
"My boxing career doesn't have the typical fairy tale ending. I quit after my first and only professional match. I never won a world title or a championship belt in the pros. The crescendo of my story doesn't end with my arm raised victorious in the ring. My wins came after I left the roped-off square, when I had a chance to contemplate the lessons I learned in the fight game. These lessons, which... posted on Feb 08 2022, 2,728 reads


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We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep.
William James

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