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Jewels: A Three Part Chant
"Every time I go into the darkness, I return with fistfuls of jewels." So begins a three-part chant in praise of winter's gifts, by singer-songwriter, voice coach and author Barbara McAfee. Her soulful music is accompanied by exquisite visuals, the work of nature photographer Julie Brown. Watch the music video and read Barbara's description of the song's origins here.... posted on Mar 19 2022, 8,449 reads


We have a tendency to race so quickly through life, that we don't always make time for ourselves. Carving out a little solitude can make a world of difference. We need to remember to be more gentle, not only with others, but with ourselves too. What miracles might life reveal if we sit quietly with ourselves for ten minutes a day?... posted on Mar 18 2022, 3,098 reads


How to Awaken Your Inner Healer
"I was half-asleep. It was a few minutes past 5:00 a.m. and the mornings larks were half-asleep, too. The sky was deep indigo. My house was rarely so quiet and still. Id just rolled out of bed, tiptoed to my study for privacy, and turned on my laptop. Teacher Wei Qifeng was on the screen, projecting from over 6,000 miles away in Dali, China, where it was 8:00 p.m. Sporting a shaved head and a perf... posted on Mar 17 2022, 5,459 reads


Oncology Yoga: Tapping into the Wisdom of the Body
"As an integrative yoga teacher with a background in various yoga modalities, I aim to follow the needs of my students as they arise, not only those needs affected by their internal atmosphere, but also the collective needs. Meeting them where they are. This is a simple story of how this aspect of yoga intensified in my life. I will tell it primarily through the voice of 2 of my students, who tell... posted on Mar 16 2022, 3,727 reads


Poems in a Time of Crisis
"In response to the situation in Ukraine, Beshara Magazine presents a short poem by Taras Shevchenko (18141861), commonly referred to simply as 'Kobzar' -- The Bard. Shevchenko is universally recognised as the supreme national poet of the Ukrainian language and soul, and, as Andrew Watson explains below, his own life mirrored the sufferings and longing for freedom of the Ukrainian people."... posted on Mar 15 2022, 4,349 reads


Compassion Defies Death at the Turtle Hospital
"Each spring is nonstop crisis management at Turtle Rescue Leagueever since Alexxia and Natasha established a hospital for freshwater turtles and tortoises in the basement of their suburban home in Southbridge, Massachusetts. Amid all the other houses on the street, their two-story saltbox stands out: It's a blazing, neon green. It bears a sign in front that reads, "Turtle Lover Parking Only. Viol... posted on Mar 14 2022, 3,189 reads


Darkness Rising
"The unprovoked invasion of Ukraine retells an old story of conquest and control bringing destruction and death. With missiles falling onto cities, thousands already dead, and over two million refugees, mainly women and children, fleeing, we are witnessing a way of life, of freedom, being lost. As these refugees join the millions worldwide displaced by conflict and persecution, this war is bringin... posted on Mar 13 2022, 5,279 reads


Our Evolutionary Leap
"In this podcast, Lynne Twist joins Sounds Trues founder, Tami Simon, to discuss the challenges and opportunities now facing humanity...they also talk about our unique place in time and the emerging new approach to business; the Pachamama Alliance and the prophecy of 'The Eagle and the Condor'; tapping the wisdom of 'grandmother energy'; Buckminster Fuller and creating a world that works for every... posted on Mar 12 2022, 3,029 reads


False Alarm: A Plea for the Earth Music Video
Wake up to the ways the Earth cries out for our care. Ryan Amador and Alixa Garcia team up to show us both the hope and the destruction happening all around. Watch it all the way through without averting your gaze or closing your heart.... posted on Mar 11 2022, 2,185 reads


The Island of Missing Trees
"Author Elif Shafak struggled at first with how to write her new book, The Island of Missing Trees. The story she wanted to tell is about a family from Cyprus, a Mediterranean island that was the center of a conflict in the 1970s, but she didn't want the story to be about tribalism or nationalism. Which is why, Shafak told NPR's Steve Inskeep, much of the story is told from the perspective of a fi... posted on Mar 10 2022, 2,491 reads


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We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are.
Anais Nin

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