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Finding Joy in the Unknown
"Writing was a way for me to communicate," says Dara McAnulty, "I didn't like to speak to people. In fact, I spoke to basically nobody outside of close family, and any conversation I had outside of that was incredibly awkward and I hated every second of it. Writing, on the other hand, I found incredibly easy to do. It was something where I could take what was going on in my mind and put it into so... posted on Mar 29 2022, 3,105 reads


Shop Class As Soul Craft
"Matthew Crawford was on what most people would think was the "right track." Then he left his job as executive director at a think tank in Washington to open a motorcycle repair shop. In his book, Shop Class as Soulcraft, he makes the case that our society has placed too great a value on white-collar work and not enough value on the trades. Crawford tells host Guy Raz that the mechanical arts have... posted on Mar 28 2022, 3,091 reads


Conserving Quiet
"In nature, there is nothing wrong with quiet. It exists under the weighted depths of ocean and in the cool of rocky caverns. It spills out beneath the wings of eagles as the world below freezes. Nature is never wholly silent: she speaks in breathy whistles and the jingle of dry leaves. She listens, but she is not mute. Even in the high desert, where sage-shrouded grouse have just begun to stir an... posted on Mar 27 2022, 3,473 reads


Seek Silence
Silence helps us to explore our shared humanity as it speaks to the part of life that is beyond words. This video created by Green Renaissance and filmed in South Africa encourages us to hear the words that silence whispers to our hearts and to find a quiet space in the busyness of life, wherever we live. It invites us to explore what silence means to us.... posted on Mar 26 2022, 3,299 reads


My Pen is the Wing of a Bird
"'My Pen Is the Wing of a Bird' came about through the efforts of Untold Narratives, a UK-based organization which works to develop and amplify the work of writers marginalized by social, geopolitical or economic isolation, particularly those in areas with recent or ongoing conflict. In 2019 and early 2021, Untold put out open calls across Afghanistan, asking women to submit short stories in eithe... posted on Mar 25 2022, 2,218 reads


Thousands Open Their Homes to Ukrainian Refugees
"As the war rages in Ukraine, an unending stream of horrific imagery flickers across our screens. But go to online platforms such as Host a Sister, Ukraine Take Shelter, Host 4 Ukraine, RefugeBooking, or many other small, local platforms, and you'll be met with a very different sort of refugee-related content: Offers from people all over the world to help those who have been uprooted and displaced... posted on Mar 24 2022, 3,196 reads


Revolutions and the Politics of Being
Anthony Siracusa studies the power of successful and enduring social movements from the grist of deep life experience. He has spent his life practicing -- and then studying and teaching -- how ordinary people find courage and the in-dwelling light that compels them to assert their power and humanity in the face of deprivation, dehumanization and injustice not principally as a form of protest, adv... posted on Mar 23 2022, 2,774 reads


The Need to Grow
'The Need to GROW' is a documentary that powerfully explores the precariousness of life on a planet with rapidly declining farmable soil. The film highlights the stories of three main characters -- Alicia Serratos, an 8-year-old Girl Scout; Erik Cutter, a regenerative urban farmer; and Michael Smith an inventor. Serratos spearheads a petition for non-GMO Girl Scout cookies; Cutter aims to cultiva... posted on Mar 22 2022, 4,220 reads


17 Things I Would Do Differently
On the fifth anniversary of his father's passing, Eric Jones found himself penning a series of reflections in his journal that would eventually turn into a post titled,"17 Things I would do differently if I were fully convinced I'm going to die." Brimming with honesty, eloquence, insight and humanness, Eric's words are an ode to life, inspired by the presence of death. ... posted on Mar 21 2022, 20,928 reads


I Would Prefer An Empty Life
"My existence is itself a contradiction. Built by men who waged war for a living. Built to shield children from death by that same war. I am a bomb shelter." So begins this short, eloquent piece by Sr. Marilyn Lacey, written in the voice of a bomb shelter on the campus of a school for girls in South Sudan. ... posted on Mar 20 2022, 3,816 reads


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One love, one heart, one destiny.
Bob Marley

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