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Giving Your Heart Over to Real Change
"In this podcast, Sharon Salzberg joins Sounds Trues founder, Tami Simon, to discuss her recent book, Real Change: Mindfulness to Heal Ourselves and the World--and how you can begin to bring the core of your being into your work, your community, and your life. Sharon and Tami also discuss how contemplative practices can open the heart, agency and reclaiming your power to effect change, the empower... posted on Apr 08 2022, 2,771 reads


The Anatomy of Anxiety
"Anxiety is "that hypervigilant feeling that escalates swiftly to a sense of catastrophe and doom," writes Ellen Vora, M.D., in her new book, The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Bodys Fear Response. Anxiety is "as grounded in the body as it is in the mind." Too often, she argues, we turn to only mental solutions for what is in part a physical problem."... posted on Apr 07 2022, 8,962 reads


Experiments with Wild Grace
"I had been in a place of acute hopelessness and inner anguish in which I felt so profoundly alone in the world and disconnected from even the possibility of authentic connection. Somehow amidst all that I found the wherewithal to listen to an inner prompting that urged me to try an experiment. This experiment was to allow myself to write a 'bad poem' every day for a month. Writing poetry had been... posted on Apr 06 2022, 4,545 reads


The Two-Spirit Diplomat Who Mediated Two Worlds
"In Washington, D.C., a visiting celebrity of 1885 was from the Zuni tribe of the southwestern United States. Described as a priestess and a princess, the young woman named WeWha was 6 feet tall, with a self-possessed and dignified demeanor. WeWha had come to Washington on a diplomatic mission to represent the Zuni people, and her activities were reported in the newspapers. She demonstrated tradit... posted on Apr 05 2022, 3,821 reads


Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention
"I think there's a more interesting definition of attention that's been developed really in the last five years in this new attentional environment that comes from a man named James Williams Dr. James Williams who was at the heart of Google for many years, was horrified by what they were doing to our attention, quit, and became, I would argue, the most important philosopher of attention in the w... posted on Apr 04 2022, 9,245 reads


The Missing Piece
"Unlike most beginning meditation practices, which provide a simple object of focus for the attention (like following the breath or reciting a mantra), Centering Prayer provides no such focal point; it merely teaches the practitioner how to release the attention promptly when it gets tangled up in a thought. Echoing the teaching of The Cloud of Unknowing (which turned out to be Centering Prayer's ... posted on Apr 03 2022, 3,502 reads


Fighting Fire with Fire
"Victor Steffensen talks to Rosemary Rule about his pioneering work reintroducing indigenous cultural burning practices in Australia. 'Climate change means the land is telling us something. It is not all doom and gloom. If we look at it the right way, it is an opportunity for change.'"... posted on Apr 02 2022, 2,865 reads


Writing a Better Story
There comes a time when we choose what stories we tell ourselves personally or as a community. "So let us all honor the stories that gave us courage and personal grounding, the stories that brought us here, the finest ones the ancestors carried for us until we could carry them for ourselves. Let us acknowledge the stories that its time to finally release, to name the dragon so that the dragon can... posted on Apr 01 2022, 2,281 reads


A Selfless Respect for Reality
"Thinking about our current global situation, I recall the work of Kazimierz Dabrowski, the Polish psychiatrist and psychologist who proposed a theory of personality development called positive disintegration. This is a transformational approach to psychological growth based on the idea that crises are important for our personal maturation. Dabrowski's concept is similar to a tenet of systems theo... posted on Mar 31 2022, 4,346 reads


For the 8-Year-Old In You
Kate DiCamillo's books include, "Because of Winn-Dixie, The Tale of Despereaux, The Magician's Elephant, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, and Flora & Ulysses. Krista Tippett read Kate's books with her children. Then, in the early pandemic months, feeling unmoored, she cracked them open to read by herself, inspired by a piece in the New York Times by the wonderful writer of adult novels, An... posted on Mar 30 2022, 4,498 reads


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Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.
William Shakespeare

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