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Becoming Who You Are Meant to Be
"In this podcast, Dr. Bolen joins Sounds True founder Tami Simon to reflect on her many years as a writer, teacher, and activist, and how doing our soul work becomes the path to self-actualization, connection, and contribution throughout our lives. They also discuss our innate capacity for love and awe; becoming a whole-brain person; speaking up as a key aspect of individuation; gratitude and appr... posted on May 09 2022, 4,095 reads


What We Nurture
"A few years ago, Krista Tippett hosted an event in Detroit -- a city in flux -- on the theme of raising children. The conversation that resulted with the Jewish-Buddhist teacher and psychotherapist Sylvia Boorstein has been a companion to her and to many from that day forward. Here it is again as an offering for Mothers Day in a world still and again in flux, and where the matter of raising new ... posted on May 08 2022, 4,493 reads


A Thing of Beauty
"When the artist James Turrell was a young boy, his grandmother gave him some advice about what to do in the meetings they would attend as a Quaker family: "go inside, and greet the light". Her words appear to have struck something of a chord. Today, Turrell is virtually synonymous with light art and his work is often discussed in terms of engendering sublime experiences and representing a spiritu... posted on May 07 2022, 2,504 reads


Perpetual Motion
Don't miss this busy, vibrant woman who is continually active on her farm, doing the chores, loving the animals (she looks into the eyes of each one every day). Everyone wants to know when she will stop, but she says never! Even if they put her in a coffin she says she will stand up again and start walking. Why? Because while every day may not be fun, there's always a reason to get up and be going... posted on May 06 2022, 2,362 reads


Ancient Green: Moss, Climate and Deep Time
"Taking a long view of life on Earth, Robin Wall Kimmerer (author of 'Braiding Sweetgrass,')explores how mosses--ancient beings who transformed the world--teach us strategies for persisting amid a changing climate.

... posted on May 05 2022, 2,258 reads


Small Kindnesses
"Healing the Divide: Poems of Kindness and Connection," is an anthology that includes poems by Ross Gay, Marie Howe, Naomi Shihab Nye and many others. The poems within it urge readers in these polarized times to "move past the negativity that often fills the airwaves, and to embrace the ordinary moments of kindness and connection that fill our days." What follows is one of the poems from this coll... posted on May 04 2022, 3,232 reads


Solving Complex Problems Relying on Diversity and Inclusion
"This five-stage process originated in ancient Tibet as the Four Karmas (actions). It demands
deep inquiry: we rely on differences of experience and perception in order to discern actions
that might bring sanity to addressing the issue. It requires humility: we honor the fact that no
one person or group has the answer (not even me). It requires appreciation: the experiences of... posted on May 03 2022, 1,946 reads


Let the Sun Rise
We all have days when things don't go as smoothly as we'd hoped and we have to make peace with things as they are. Fortunately the sun rises again each morning for all of us and we get another chance to see what the day will bring, to try again and to meet each moment with hope and to practice the art of living. Rejection, fears, doubts and failure are simply part of the human condition. Acknowled... posted on May 02 2022, 2,376 reads


A New Hotline for a Pep Talk from Kindergartners
"Amid a crush of heavy news from around the world, who couldn't use some sage advice right now? Call a new hotline, and you'll get just that -- encouraging words from a resilient group of kindergartners. Kids' voices will prompt you with a menu of options: If you're feeling mad, frustrated or nervous, press 1. If you need words of encouragement and life advice, press 2. If you need a pep talk from... posted on May 01 2022, 5,632 reads


How to Stay Open and Curious in Hard Conversations
"To have a chance at really hearing other beliefs, philosopher David Smith teaches, you have to value truth more than your own opinion, and you have to come in with a measure of humility. With nothing more than these two questions, we can help our minds move from certainty to uncertainty, finding gaps in understanding that help our curiosity catch on." The following piece shares eight tips for hav... posted on Apr 30 2022, 9,017 reads


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Quote Bulletin

There is no exercise better for the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.
John Holmes

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