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Improvisation and the Quantum of Consciousness
"Few things in life are more vivifying than a shimmering reminder that we can still surprise ourselves --those rare moments when the urn of the self cracks and out pours something more fully alive: truer than any narrative, more authentic than any performative personhood, unfettered from identity and expectation and all the other scripts we live by. It is both thrilling and terrifying to be so rem... posted on Jul 10 2022, 2,676 reads


How We Wrestle is Who We Are
"My son Liam was born ten years ago. He looked like a cucumber on steroids. He was fat and bald and round as a cucumber on steroids. He looked healthy as a horse. He wasn't. He was missing a chamber in his heart. You need four rooms in your heart for smooth conduct through this vale of fears and tears, and he only had three, so pretty soon doctors cut him open and iced down his heart and shut it d... posted on Jul 09 2022, 2,835 reads


Grateful Voices
"Grateful Voices is a video project highlighting the stories of seven individuals with seven different life stories, each of whom finds gratefulness amidst pain, suffering and all of life's challenges. For one participant, gratefulness is "like a friend sitting next to me." Whether it be through loss or the acceptance of a disability, they express the gift that it is to be alive in any given momen... posted on Jul 08 2022, 1,892 reads


The Paradoxes of Healing
Lissa Rankin, MD, describes herself as a skeptic. She is a Western-trained ob-gyn, linear thinker, and evidence-informed scientist. In the same breath, however, she also describes herself as a mystic an open-hearted, spiritually alive, empathic healer who has witnessed countless miracles of healing and has also experienced them firsthand herself. What follows is an excerpt from her book, "Sacred ... posted on Jul 07 2022, 7,403 reads


Anatomy of a Wave: A Triptych
"We like to imagine --in our humanness-- waves as traveling water bodies. But that isn't quite accurate. Waves are kinetic energy from vibrating water particles interacting through seawater. The particles move perpendicularly back and forth to create energy, the water forms a circular motion in relation to the seafloor and wind, an orbital rotation is born. The water itself doesn't travel very far... posted on Jul 06 2022, 1,716 reads


Mozart's Starling
"When beginning a new writing project, naturalist and author Lyanda Lynn Haupt takes her research seriously. For her book, Mozart's Starling, Haupt dutifully traveled to Austria, to see Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's birthplace and the famed composer's grave. But then she took one big step further. Because her book is inspired by the little-known fact that Mozart kept a pet starling, Haupt decided to a... posted on Jul 05 2022, 2,742 reads


Zainika Jagasia: Mumbai's Inspiring 19-Year-Old Model & Baker
"Zainika Jagasia's mother, Reshma Jagasia, says she had a gut feeling throughout her pregnancy that 'there was something wrong'. "It was almost like my child was talking to me all the time," she told The Quint. She stayed conscious during her C-section surgery and when the baby was born, the doctors confirmed that she had Down syndrome. The ever-supportive parents then spent 8 to 10 hours a day wi... posted on Jul 04 2022, 2,848 reads


Letters from Two Gardens
"In the late July swelter and dragonfly buzz of summer, poets Aimee Nezhukumatathil and Ross Gay began a correspondence of poems -- sent the old-fashioned way, through the mail. Aimee wrote from her flower garden in Fredonia, New York, Ross from his fruit and vegetable garden in Bloomington, Indiana. Here, then, is how they made sense and record of a full year in their respective gardens. "It is o... posted on Jul 03 2022, 2,217 reads


The Divided Brain
In this RSA produced video, the world of today is explained by Iain McGilchrist, a psychiatrist, writer, and former Oxford literary scholar. He came to prominence after the publication of his book The Master and His Emissary, subtitled The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World. The words of McGilchrist, and the illustrative and clever graphics accompanying the audio, describe how the t... posted on Jul 02 2022, 2,115 reads


Three Hours of Free Time in Berkeley
"Moving on, I began to notice feelings I'd never had as I walked past shops. The smaller ones, especially, touched me. Each spoke of someone throwing in on life, taking the chance of starting a business--a living drama, invisible, but present just behind the facades of each passing storefront. Life was right there--all the time, I realized. What kept me from being present to it?"... posted on Jul 01 2022, 1,574 reads


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He who can reach a child's heart can reach the world's heart.
Rudyard Kipling

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