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The Lost Art of Breathing
"After recovering from pneumonia for the third time, journalist James Nestor took decisive action to improve his lungs. He questioned why so many humans -- and only humans -- have to contend with stuffy noses, snoring, asthma, allergies, sinusitis and sleep apnea, to name but a few. James hears remarkable stories of others who have changed their lives through the power of breath. His deep dive int... posted on Aug 09 2022, 4,368 reads


The World's Hidden Harmony
"We've been blind-sided by our top-down approach. If the body is a bell, resonating to the
world around it, it's as though we have stuffed the bell full of cotton balls that stifle its ringing. The present is whispering to us, "Come and play, come and risk," whatever it may be. But we don't notice. We don't feel the present in that way. We don't feel its presence. We feel it as a collection... posted on Aug 08 2022, 1,881 reads


This short film by engineer and stop-motion animator Brett Foxwell, in collaboration with musician and animator bedtimes, offers a mesmerizing look into cross sections of a piece of raw wood as it goes through a milling machine. The imagery produced captures the wood's unique growth rings, knots and weathered spots. Due to the speed with which the images are animated, the grains begin to flow in a... posted on Aug 07 2022, 3,032 reads


How to Be a Citizen of Earth
"One small country, in which 0.0002% of the worlds population lives in one of the planets most biodiverse habitats, has taken it upon itself to model for the rest of humanity an inspired step along the path forward. In 1981, just after a dazzling new species of nautilus was discovered in its turquoise waters, the Republic of Palau -- a tiny, vast-spirited Pacific island nation midway between Austr... posted on Aug 06 2022, 3,205 reads


East Hill Farm: A Leap of Faith
"Once upon a time...many years ago, when a now very old man was but a youth, he felt something was mysteriously missing in his life, but he didn't know what it was or where to find it. He wasn't even sure how to begin looking for it. "Go find Truth and Knowledge," he was told. "When you find them, you'll know what's missing and how to find it." What follows is an excerpt from Jonathan James's book... posted on Aug 05 2022, 2,604 reads


Taking Time to Make Time
"When the 33-year-old Michelangelo was painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling, Pope Julius II would impatiently ask him when it would be complete. The artist would reply, "When I am satisfied." Rodin took 37 years to compete his Gates of Hell. The Taj Mahal took 22 years, two more that the Great Pyramid at Giza. The Great Wall of China took 2,000 years!" Artist Durriya Kazi explores our relationship ... posted on Aug 04 2022, 3,968 reads


The Art of Emptiness
"The composition below is called Woodmaster and it is written for solo Taimu shakuhachi and dedicated to Ken Mujitsu LaCosse, designer and maker of Taimu. Taimu is a wide-bore, natural bamboo variant of shakuhachi, the root-end bamboo flute from ancient Zen Buddhism. This flute itself calls into question rigid lines or divisions between masculine and feminine, sacred and secular: it comes from Zen... posted on Aug 03 2022, 1,953 reads


At the Gate
"Wheelchairs in wild spaces shouldn't be an anomaly some thirty years since the Americans with Disabilities Act, but here I am, in front of another gate, asserting my right to exist in nature. The very fact of me seems to rankle the men I am here to meet. King Estates Open Space Park is a verdant area of native grasses, wildflowers, and spectacular vistas overlooking the San Francisco Bay. During ... posted on Aug 02 2022, 1,725 reads


Jonathan Foust: Body-Centered Inquiry
"Jonathan Foust is a longtime teacher of yoga and meditation who has guided learners at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health and the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, DC for more than 20 years. In this episode of Insights at the Edge, Tami Simon and Jonathan discuss the practice of body-centered inquiry--specifically the surprising ways it can be applied to pain. Jonathan explains how ... posted on Aug 01 2022, 4,420 reads


Learning to Learn: You, Too, Can Rewire Your Brain
"The studio for what is arguably the world's most successful online course is tucked into a corner of Barb and Phil Oakley's basement, a converted TV room that smells faintly of cat urine. (At the end of every video session, the Oakleys pin up the green fabric that serves as the backdrop so Fluffy doesn't ruin it.) This is where they put together "Learning How to Learn," taken by more than 1.8 mil... posted on Jul 31 2022, 3,126 reads


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To free ourselves, we must feed ourselves.
Leah Penniman

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