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The Abundance of Less
"Nakamura and I were sitting there drinking tea on a winter's day at his fire pit in the middle of the floor, and the shoji screens were open. We were looking across the valley; the snow was clinging to the cedar boughs, and the wind would come up throwing these sheets of powdered snow into the air. Mist was hiding the branches of the trees, and then revealing them. It felt like a Chinese ink pai... posted on Aug 19 2022, 1,914 reads


Earth's Wild Music: Celebrating & Defending Nature's Songs
"I started thinking about how I could open people's hearts without breaking them. How I could point to the onrushing extinctions and not force people to turn away in absolute grief. I decided that I was going to have to write in a way that was like a wave -- I would lift people and smash them at the same time. What is it that reaches people without breaking them? What is it that goes straight into... posted on Aug 18 2022, 1,528 reads


robert wolff: Original Wisdom
"I have known truly free humans... As all First People they lived far away from roads, it required walking through jungle to reach them. I did not know a word of their language, but there was usually at least one person in the small groups of nomads who understood some words of the language of the country. But our communication was as much through touch, smiles, laughter, and something inside that... posted on Aug 17 2022, 3,827 reads


Living/Dying Man
"After he was diagnosed, we had a lot of conversation about how we were going to face the harsh reality that ALS is always fatal. We didn't want to waste our precious time trying to chase down miracle cures or doing things that might extend his life for a few days or weeks. What was the point of a few more days if he was suffering? We decided to live 'hope-free,' which isn't the same thing as hope... posted on Aug 16 2022, 6,562 reads


Antidotes to Fear of Death
Rebecca Elson was a Canadian-American poet and astronomer. In the 1990s she was among the first researchers to study images. She passed away at age 39. "A Responsibility to Awe," was published posthumously. It is a volume of Elson's poetry and essays, ranging from her teenage years until shortly before her passing. What follows is, "Antidotes to Fear of Death," a poem from this collection, in whic... posted on Aug 15 2022, 8,240 reads


Thousand-Mile Walk Home
"Eight years ago this spring, I blew out a lumbar disc while running a jackhammer in the desert near my housean accident that was the result of simple bad luck, with the odds skewed by the fact that a jackhammer was the wrong tool for the job and that alcohol may have been involved. After a long, miserable recovery period during which I was as ornery as a walleyed mule, I finally mended enough tha... posted on Aug 14 2022, 2,736 reads


This Rising Up
This Climbing PoeTree music video highlights modern day freedom fighters and champions of justice by celebrating the beauty, power, talent, brilliance and humanity of Black people. Through powerful lyrics, music and dance, it is a triumphant acknowledgement that dignity, safety and self determination are all necessary to overcome dehumanizing terror and to ensure that justice prevails.... posted on Aug 13 2022, 1,457 reads


Gold is the Deepest Love
"'Gold,' the title of my book, is a word that recurs throughout Rumi's poetry. Rumi's gold is not the precious metal but a feeling-state arrived at through the alchemical process of altering consciousness, of burning through ego, greed, pettiness, and calculation, to arrive at a more relaxed and compassionate state of being. In sum, the prayer of Sufism is 'teach me to love more deeply.' Gold is t... posted on Aug 12 2022, 4,277 reads


Cooking in the Ainu Way
"Eiko Soga is a Japanese-born artist and teacher who has had a long-term interest in exploring new forms of relationship with the natural world.She has just completed a PhD research project at the University of Oxford which involved living with a community of Ainu people in Northern Japan. In this interview she speaks about what her experience with the Ainu taught her about ecologically-aware way... posted on Aug 11 2022, 2,159 reads


Peter Singer: The Life You Can Save
"Say you're walking past a shallow pond and see a child drowning. Would you try to rescue the child?
That's the famous "drowning child" scenario that Peter Singer, the Australian philosopher, presented in his 1972 article "Famine, Affluence, and Morality." He points out there could be some minor inconveniences -- you'd get wet and muddy and would probably have to change your clothes. But, o... posted on Aug 10 2022, 2,384 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light.
Norman B. Rice

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