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From 1980 to 2000, the number of adults in the corrections system has tripled. ... posted on Nov 20 2002, 2,116 reads


Microsoft and other businesses are helping minorities gain the skills they need to enter the technology workplace.... posted on Nov 19 2002, 603 reads


... posted on Nov 17 2002, 487 reads


In June 2002 the UN predicted that AIDS will kill 70 million people in the next 20 years, mostly in poor countries, unless more is done to fight the disease. About 40 million people are now infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, and 20 million have died of it since it was discovered in 1981. ... posted on Nov 13 2002, 501 reads


Having dogs and cats in the household not only reduces children's risk of future pet allergies, but early exposure can also reduce many common allergies. The doctor's advice: the more cats and dogs the better. ... posted on Nov 09 2002, 1,954 reads


Have you ever considered a replacement for "Kill two birds with one stone"? This children's site is running a contest about it.... posted on Nov 05 2002, 1,030 reads


... posted on Nov 04 2002, 1,038 reads


... posted on Nov 03 2002, 723 reads


Bummed out that no veggie dogs were being offered on SF streets, for the sake of what she felt passionate about, Brenda Carey decided to take matters into her own hands. By giving the vendor a free trial supply of veggie dogs which she purchased with her own money, she convinced him to give them a try. Amazingly, as she was putting up the sign, a woman came and bought one!... posted on Nov 02 2002, 580 reads


If you found yourself on the early bus in Jackson, Mississippi, you might just be lucky enough to have Sheila O'Flaherty as a fellow passenger. She would look you over, and if you happened to be under age ten, she might fumble in her canvas bag and pull out a library book, and offer to read to you between stops. If this turned out to be your regular route, say, on the way to a public school across... posted on Oct 26 2002, 537 reads


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Carl Sagan

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