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... posted on Jul 07 2003, 501 reads


Meet the 'Dubbawalas'
They maybe illiterate but they make one error in every 16 million transactions! Meet the 'dubbawalas' of Bombay. 5000 of them deliver 150,000 lunches daily in the Indian city of Mumbai and pick up the empty lunch boxes. Forbes Global recently gave them their coveted six-sigma rating and now, these 'dubbawallas' are the source of case studies internationally!... posted on Jul 05 2003, 1,499 reads


... posted on Jun 30 2003, 589 reads


... posted on Jun 29 2003, 1,984 reads


Albertsons, Inc. has announced that over the next twelve months the company's associates and their families plan to contribute at least one million volunteer hours!... posted on Jun 26 2003, 500 reads


... posted on Jun 23 2003, 453 reads


... posted on Jun 22 2003, 630 reads


Mind-body connection is commonly accepted now. Here's a real life example: A young woman left in a coma for six years after she collapsed at school has started to respond to the world around her after her mother took her to see her pop star hero Bryan Adams perform live. ... posted on Jun 21 2003, 737 reads


... posted on Jun 16 2003, 448 reads


1/5th of our waste comes from packaging.... posted on Jun 13 2003, 672 reads


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