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... posted on Jul 27 2003, 558 reads


Simple ideas are often the best. Emergency Housing Consortium held an outdoors concert to raise money for the homeless. They asked everyone to bring a towel to sit during the show, afterward, donate all the towels to the homeless.... posted on Jul 25 2003, 638 reads


Want to save the world? Just save the world's women. New international research is proving that women may hold the key to ending many of the world's ills -- if only they'd have the chance. For example, more literacy among women translates into lower HIV infection rates for adults of both sexes and is the greatest factor in declining child malnutrition in 63 countries!... posted on Jul 24 2003, 873 reads


Anonymous Giving
She held up 50 white envelopes at her church. Each one had a 50 dollar bill and anyone could take it, no strings attached. Many pondered weeks on how to spend it. Many were transformed. But one thing was sure, the giving became contagious!... posted on Jul 22 2003, 1,129 reads


... posted on Jul 20 2003, 493 reads


Removing Smallpox from the World
A young man in his twenties, who wants to serve the world, gets an mandate from his teacher -- "go remove smallpox in the world." Dr. Larry Brilliant takes a 17-hour bus ride from a remote area in the Himalayas and heads to the United Nations. Rejected. His teacher tells him to go again. Rejected again. He went back and forth two dozen times, his outfit gradually changing from monastary cloth... posted on Jul 16 2003, 965 reads


... posted on Jul 14 2003, 611 reads


... posted on Jul 13 2003, 426 reads


Travelling across the country, Barbara Enhrenreich worked as a waitress, hotel maid, cleaning woman, nursing home aide, and Wal-Mart sales clerk to find out how America's working poor make it. Her answer: A lot of them don't. She has now written a best-seller called 'Nickel and Dimed' about her experiences.... posted on Jul 09 2003, 586 reads


... posted on Jul 07 2003, 494 reads


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The ability to flexibly move between states is a sign of well-being and resilience.
Deb Dana

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