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... posted on Aug 24 2003, 590 reads


Sept. 11 will forever be a day of grim memories, but a group of victims' relatives, nonprofit groups and marketing professionals hope to also turn it into an annual opportunity to boost volunteerism and charitable works. They have a simple idea -- observe Sept. 11 by doing something good for someone else. By 2010, "One Day's Pay" is hoping to enlist 30 million people who will dedicate a day to s... posted on Aug 22 2003, 732 reads


... posted on Aug 18 2003, 1,200 reads


... posted on Aug 17 2003, 2,029 reads


Dot-coms went dot-bomb in the economic downturn over the last couple years. But now, those techy-giants and executives are looking another way -- the nonprofit sector. An increasing percentage of people from the Internet generation are trying to channel their energies to do good!... posted on Aug 13 2003, 1,023 reads


... posted on Aug 11 2003, 738 reads


... posted on Aug 10 2003, 500 reads


More than half the world lives on less than two dollars a day. Ever wonder if you could take those 5 bucks for coffee and buy something from a rural artisan in a developing country? How 'bout if you knew that there were no middle-man costs? Welcome to yet another fully volunteer-run project of CharityFocus that is getting rave reviews -- Community Shops!... posted on Aug 05 2003, 1,354 reads


... posted on Aug 04 2003, 621 reads


... posted on Aug 03 2003, 604 reads


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Isaac Newton

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