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... posted on Oct 06 2003, 616 reads


... posted on Oct 05 2003, 462 reads


500 tons of good intention. That's right. For five years, they've been planting a row for the hungry and donating the produce. Couple months back, volunteers at Village Harvest hit their million pound mark!... posted on Oct 03 2003, 492 reads


... posted on Sep 29 2003, 481 reads


... posted on Sep 28 2003, 781 reads


Give of yourself -- shoe-shine. Just as he's done for more than two decades, Albert Lexie gets out of bed at 5 a.m. every Tuesday and Thursday, takes two buses to the Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh and makes his rounds -- offering shoe shines for 3 dollars. Since 1981 has given over $89,000 to the local hospital!... posted on Sep 27 2003, 607 reads


Sewing an African Ivy League
Two decades after Patrick Awuah sought help tapping into the standard American dream, he is going home to Ghana to pursue one of his own making: Awuah, who studied engineering at Swarthmore College and made a small fortune at Microsoft, is building a university — one that he hopes becomes the seed for an African Ivy League. ... posted on Sep 23 2003, 1,241 reads


... posted on Sep 22 2003, 704 reads


... posted on Sep 21 2003, 604 reads


It's a university where less than 1% of its applicants get accepted; most hopefuls don't even apply and those that attempt it get tons of extra coaching. Girijesh Gupta recently topped those IIT entrace exams, which shocked many considering that he lived in the slums, came from a very poor family and didn't have any professional help. Instead of staying at the college dorms, he's gonna continue ... posted on Sep 19 2003, 1,545 reads


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