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After surviving breast cancer, Trish May wanted a way to give back. "What I wanted to do was create a product where people could make a difference every single day," said May. "You don't have to run a 10K to contribute. You don't have to go to an expensive gala." So the former Microsoft marketing executive founded Athena Bottled Water which donates 100 percent of profits to women's cancer resear... posted on Oct 29 2003, 1,071 reads


... posted on Oct 26 2003, 807 reads


A Daily Dose of Kindness
He lost his wife, as a result of a terror attack at Sbarro restaurant in Jerusalem. His response? Kindness. In fact, he called his organization "Partners in Kindness". It's aim is to encourage people around the world to do an act of kindness each day. Their first project is called A Daily Dose of Kindness. Each day people report acts of kindness and it's shared anonymously with others.... posted on Oct 23 2003, 1,508 reads


... posted on Oct 20 2003, 811 reads


... posted on Oct 19 2003, 535 reads


Mildred Robbins Leet is an unusual philanthropist. She's not wealthy. And for 25 years, she's given away just $50 at a time. But her "micro grants" have helped transform thousands of lives around the globe. They buy fishing rods or frying pans, a farm animal, a sewing machine or a barrel of seeds, enabling "the poorest of the poor" to launch their own businesses. Leet, an 81-year-old New Yorker,... posted on Oct 18 2003, 600 reads


Ike Says "Vamos" to Poverty in Mexico
In 1987, three neighbors in tiny Weston, Vermont, gathered over coffee to compare notes on their recent trips to Mexico. Years later one of them, Ike Patch, would say it was the best cup of coffee they ever had. Mexico has more billionaires than any other third-world country, yet 40 percent of its people live in extreme poverty -- compared with 25 percent in India -- and are not helped by their g... posted on Oct 15 2003, 966 reads


If someone offered you a million dollars to stop drinking lattes, would you take it? Scott Burns looked at how much money a 25 year old would spend over a lifetime on a Starbucks latte a day habit. Scott found that if that person instead invested the money, by retirement age he would have almost a million dollars.... posted on Oct 14 2003, 710 reads


... posted on Oct 13 2003, 516 reads


... posted on Oct 12 2003, 531 reads


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The soil is the great connector of our lives, the source and destination of all.
Wendell Berry

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