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Flowers or Weeds
... posted on Dec 01 2003, 659 reads


A Giving Life
... posted on Nov 30 2003, 768 reads


No Mistake
... posted on Nov 24 2003, 665 reads


... posted on Nov 17 2003, 605 reads


... posted on Nov 16 2003, 556 reads


She loved to surprise people with gifts. When Father Joe Carroll opened an envelope from her, expecting a copy of an article, he found a check for $1 million. She shelled $15 million for relief, after the Red River flooded Grand Forks. In the late 80s, she anonymously gave $7 million to build an AIDS wing at a college in the Bronx. So when the McDonald's heiress, Joan Kroc, passed away last mo... posted on Nov 11 2003, 755 reads


... posted on Nov 10 2003, 554 reads


... posted on Nov 09 2003, 550 reads


Minnie Takes a Stand
Oscar nominee Minnie Driver is putting her Hollywood career on hold to work in a sweatshop in Cambodia. She will leave behind her tennis star boyfriend, Robby Ginepri, and her Notting Hill flat to experience poverty in South-East Asia. Her plan is leverage her fame to raise awareness for unfair global trade agreements: "I will be working alongside other young women for as long as it takes for me... posted on Nov 04 2003, 792 reads


... posted on Nov 03 2003, 1,957 reads


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