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Matthew Fox: Bowing to the Heart Over Authority
"And so creativity should be at the heart of all ritual; not a frozen form, but a flexible form. Dance is at the heart of our prayer. We do circle dancing. We dance to DJ music and live music. And we also do spiral dancing. Getting the body involved is so important. You don't have a Hindu body or an atheist body or a Buddhist body. You have a body. We're all human there, so we can all dance togeth... posted on Sep 08 2022, 3,199 reads


You Have to Raise the Sails
When Richard Whittaker received an email from a friend about a 'Beginning Acting for Adults,' class she was teaching, it gave him pause. Richard is founding editor of works&conversations magazine. He's been conducting deep-dive interviews with artists for over three decades."I'd never taken an acting class. And at 79 years old, why would I? It seemed a crazy idea. But on the other hand, why not? A... posted on Sep 07 2022, 1,777 reads


Silent Drum: Tips for Rhythmic Meditation
"'Drumming may be the oldest form of active meditation known to humanity.' What could meditation and drumming possibly have in common? I've been asking myself this question ever since I heard world-famous sound healing expert Jill Purce say, 'The purpose of sound is silence.' First, both meditation and drumming help us get out of our heads and into our hearts. They just go about it in different wa... posted on Sep 06 2022, 4,206 reads


Heartfelt Inquiry into Core Beliefs
"Core limiting beliefs form in childhood and mostly reside outside or on the edge of conscious awareness. They are core in the sense that everything about us organizes around them -- how we relate to others, work, and take care of ourselves. They are limiting because they constrain us, holding us back from living our lives as wakefully, freely, wisely, powerfully, joyfully, lovingly, and creativel... posted on Sep 05 2022, 2,870 reads


Beauty in the Natural World
"Do we always prefer the harmonious to the discordant, whatever that distinction might look like to us? It is not my place to say that the music youre listening to sounds terrible. On that note, harmony is very much its own kind of beautiful, and it looks and feels like different things to all of us. For me, harmony is found in the way tree branches will sometimes grow curving around to hold each ... posted on Sep 04 2022, 1,836 reads


Paul Salopek: The Out of Eden Walk
"The auditorium was hot and the acoustics were poor, but [Paul] Salopek's words were captivating. He explained that he had become dissatisfied with the standard method of international reporting, for which correspondents helicoptered into countries with little notice, reported, filed, and helicoptered out. Storytelling, he said, requires the writer to come in at ground level with the subject. His ... posted on Sep 03 2022, 1,790 reads


Walking Gently on the Earth
"Walking Gently on the Earth" tells the story of Annie Smithers, a chef based in Lyonville, Australia, whose life is dedicated to having a positive impact on the environment by treading as lightly as possible on the ground beneath her feet."... posted on Sep 02 2022, 1,941 reads


Women on the Road
"For a lot of its history, the road trip has conjured predominantly white, straight, masculine images (see literature from Homer to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to Jack Kerouac), but of course, thats never been true. Women have always voyaged, whether to follow seasonal resources, relocate or migrate, work to make a better life, or to make art and dream. The road is also one of our homes.[...]Elizab... posted on Sep 01 2022, 1,891 reads


Freestyle Rapper Harry Mack: Living Out My Purpose
"Freestyle rapper Harry Mack has received many kinds of reactions from audiences to his improvisation skills, but they all have one thing in common: utter disbelief. It's not far off from what he thought when he was introduced to freestyle rap as a kid. "What's the trick?" Mack recalls thinking. "I couldn't believe it was real." Freestyle rapping is the art of improvising lyrics and adapting them ... posted on Aug 31 2022, 1,197 reads


Out of the Head, Into the Heart
"When Unangan Elders speak of the "heart," they do not mean mere feelings, even positive and compassionate ones. "Heart" refers to a deeper portal of profound interconnectedness and awareness that exists between humans and all living things. Centering oneself there results in humble, wise, connected ways of being and acting in the world. Indigenous peoples have cultivated access to this source as ... posted on Aug 30 2022, 2,168 reads


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Nothing exists except atoms and empty space. Everything else is opinion.
Diogenes Laertius

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