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Simplified Shopping
More than half of all Americans feel that spending less money on gifts will actually allow them to focus more on the true meaning of the holidays, 77 percent want a more simplified holiday this year, and 62 percent think that there is too much emphasis on giving and receiving gifts.... posted on Dec 25 2003, 1,136 reads


Understanding 'AND'
... posted on Dec 21 2003, 719 reads


Note and a Duffel Bag
More than 28,000 foster children have received the note, a duffel bag and the cuddly friend. "I want you to always know that you are loved, especially by me," the letter says. "And always remember to be positive, polite and never give up. Love, Your Friend, Makenzie." Makenzie Snyder is 13 and it has been her mission since the age of 7 to comfort neglected children; she doesn't meet the children... posted on Dec 19 2003, 1,061 reads


New Trustees of Civic Life
More than 80% of Americans aged 45 and older are involved in helping others without pay, AARP research showed. In the past 100 years, life expectancy has doubled; a person aged 50 can now expect to live another 30 years. Because of advances in medical care, this "third age" of life is as productive as any other time and they are quickly becoming the trustees of civic life.... posted on Dec 18 2003, 964 reads


Life With Purpose
... posted on Dec 15 2003, 1,268 reads


Love and Power
... posted on Dec 14 2003, 582 reads


Computers on Farms
A large number of farmers in rural India are breathing a little bit easier these days. For 3 or 4 decades, they have been locked into a government-organized trading scheme that nearly ensures they get fleeced by the middlemen when they sell their grains at auction. But in just a couple of years, with the help of a few thousand computers hooked up to the internet, more than a million farmers have... posted on Dec 13 2003, 849 reads


Thailand Monastary
When Luang Pi Daeng lost his mother and found himself alone in the world, he sought shelter at a local Buddhist temple, where the monks and nuns gave him food, shelter and education. Receiving such kindess, he himself became a monk and vowed to give back to the community. When AIDS began ravaging large swathes of Thailand, he led by example. Today, the abbott of Wat Hua Rin temple, Luang Pi Dae... posted on Dec 09 2003, 1,007 reads


... posted on Dec 08 2003, 892 reads


Creatives at Work
The number of people doing creative work has exploded to 30% of the workforce; creative sector workers today outnumber blue collar workers and the creative sector of the economy accounts for nearly half of all wage and salary income--$1.7 trillion dollars per year. The American Dream is no longer just about money. Better pay, a nice house, and a rising standard of living will always be attractive... posted on Dec 04 2003, 1,538 reads


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Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into friend.
Martin Luther King Jr.

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