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The Other Direction
... posted on Feb 01 2004, 1,542 reads


Blind Act of Kindness
Hearing a radio announcer report, "Today, we have another random act of senseless violence to report," gave Chuck Wall the idea to change the well-known negative word, "violence," to the positive word, "kindness." Reportedly, he initiated the "Random Acts of Kindness" movement. Chuck Wall is blind.... posted on Jan 27 2004, 843 reads


The Ongoing Wow
... posted on Jan 26 2004, 1,072 reads


Billion Dollar Secret
He used to fly coach, buy clothes off the rack, had a plastic bag for briefcase, owned drugstore reading classes and wore a $15 plastic watch. And he secretly transferred all the shares of his company to a top-secret foundation in Bermuda that was giving to the world ... anonymously. When the cashier's check cleared, there were no black-tie galas, no self-effacing speeches. A decade later, in 1... posted on Jan 14 2004, 1,235 reads


Impact on the Whole
... posted on Jan 12 2004, 987 reads


Everything is Necessary
... posted on Jan 05 2004, 1,189 reads


Song of Silence
... posted on Jan 04 2004, 617 reads


Nobel Prize for Love
Every year, to much less fanfare, the "real" Nobel Prizes are preceded by the Alternative Nobel Prizes, formally known as the Right Livelihood Awards. Think of it as the Nobel Prize for Love. This year's winners are relatively unsung heros of planetary transformation, champions of sustainability, democracy, and justice. There's Walden Bello and Nicanor Perlas, two Philippine intellectual activ... posted on Jan 01 2004, 996 reads


Freedom in Humility
... posted on Dec 29 2003, 925 reads


It Takes Giving
... posted on Dec 28 2003, 1,421 reads


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An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.
Martin Buber

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