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Give and Receive
This year, Physicians for Human Rights will hand out their annual Navin Narayan HHR Student Achievement Award. Navin Narayan was a rare young man that dedicated his life to service even as he was struggling with cancer.... posted on Mar 02 2004, 1,041 reads


Moments Live in Us
... posted on Mar 01 2004, 1,696 reads


Springing Up Anew
... posted on Feb 29 2004, 671 reads


Kindness of the Back Roads
If they had grown up in Vietnam, Chi and Truc Nguyen might have learned to play the 16-string zither, a traditional Vietnamese instrument. Zither instructors, however, are hard to come by in California, so their mother signed them up for piano lessons instead. But Kim and Danh Nguyen wanted to make sure not all of their culture's values and traditions were lost on their daughters, so they took t... posted on Feb 28 2004, 1,007 reads


Nothing in Return
... posted on Feb 22 2004, 622 reads


Lenses Fall Away
... posted on Feb 16 2004, 2,184 reads


What's Going To Happen
... posted on Feb 15 2004, 699 reads


Little Things Go Far
For a man who has perhaps done more than anyone to help people out of poverty, Muhammad Yunus makes no apologies for giving nothing to beggars. Yunus, 63, is the founder of Grameen Bank, which has made more than $4 billion in tiny loans to poor Bangladeshis, providing a lifeline for millions and a banking model that has been copied in more than 100 nations from the United States to Uganda.... posted on Feb 13 2004, 1,088 reads


Deep Sleep
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) conservatively estimates that vehicle crashes due to driver fatigue cost Americans $12.5 billion per year in reduced productivity and property loss. The greatest cost? More than 1,500 people die every year in fatigue-related crashes.... posted on Feb 07 2004, 3,001 reads


The Way
... posted on Feb 02 2004, 876 reads


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Quote Bulletin

A kitten is, in the animal world, what a rosebud is in the garden.
Robert Southey

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