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Richest Man in Town
A trip to McDonald's typically costs him a hundred bucks. He'll search out the janitors and hand over $20 bills. "The woman cleaning the toilet can't speak English, she has nothing, and no one gives her anything," he explains. That's because Tom White is on a mission, to give away his entire fortune before he dies. Instead of "He who dies with the most toys wins", his bumper sticker would read: ... posted on May 05 2004, 1,009 reads


Every Action Counts
... posted on May 02 2004, 643 reads


Freed Hostages
Three Japanese friends went to Iraq to help the needy, to serve the children on the streets of a war torn country. When they were captured as hostages by Iraqi insurgents and then freed, they returned to a country that treated them as selfish fools, not heroes. "You got what you deserve!" read one handwritten sign, "You are Japan's shame" said another website, and the government itself announced... posted on May 01 2004, 1,607 reads


Song of a Bird
... posted on Apr 26 2004, 558 reads


Subway Philosopher
When one person is kind to many strangers, he's a do-gooder. But what happens when many strangers are kind to one person -- a homeless one who lugs his life in two bulging plastic bags on the subway? Lack of a Bodhi tree anywhere near the Broadway-Lafayette station in New York didn't stop passengers from reaching out to the "subway philosopher" named Tony Butler. Somehow, he always brought arou... posted on Apr 23 2004, 1,225 reads


Never Planned My Life
"Wouldn't you come back and help us?" The gentle question from a Afghani resident, almost an afterthought, struck her like the bolt from a crossbow. After covering the U.S. war in Afghanistan, NPR reporter Sarah Chayes decided to give up her job as a journalist and remain in Afghanistan to help rebuild the country. Sarah, with two degrees from Harvard, a Radcliffe College Prize and an inspiring... posted on Apr 22 2004, 1,111 reads


What It Is All About
... posted on Apr 19 2004, 519 reads


Courage to Touch Life
... posted on Apr 18 2004, 817 reads


Ten Thousand Dollar Bills
Wherever he goes, something unexpected happens. And almost everyone is smiling. That's because Kevin Shelton goes out to public places -- shopping malls, movie theatres, restaurants and beaches -- with 10,000 dollar bills strapped to his chest and gives them away, one dollar at a time ... to whoever wants it, no questions asked. People line up to get the dollar and almost everyone asks him, "Wh... posted on Apr 17 2004, 1,089 reads


A Limitless Love
... posted on Apr 12 2004, 2,019 reads


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Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds.
George Eliot

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