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Glimpse of Divinity
... posted on Jun 07 2004, 539 reads


Gift of the Present
... posted on Jun 06 2004, 561 reads


Reality Beyond The Veil
... posted on May 31 2004, 747 reads


Pilgrim of Life
... posted on May 24 2004, 751 reads


Simply Living
... posted on May 17 2004, 579 reads


Decade of Dot-Orgs
The 1990s will be billed as a dot-com decade. But considering the worldwide explosion of social organizations that far exceeded the growth of technology firms, it probably should be known as the decade of the dot-orgs. In Canada, registered citizen groups grew more than 50% since 1987, to over 200,000, while in France, close to 70,000 new groups were registered each year in the 1990s. Twenty ye... posted on May 15 2004, 933 reads


I Believe
... posted on May 10 2004, 1,016 reads


Until Your Mud Settles
... posted on May 09 2004, 572 reads


Spare Some Change?
Ever get in a plane and have non-exchangeable coins in a foreign currency? You need to get rid of them but it's too late. Well, British Airways got the idea of asking folks to donate them to charity; they called the program "Change For Good." Research showed that one out of two folks contributed; ten years later, this program was adopted by various major airlines and has raised over $45 million... posted on May 08 2004, 1,799 reads


Musical Afterlife of Songbird
Eva believed in an afterlife, and she’s getting it—- at least musically. Before her tragic death, at the age of 33, Eva Cassidy had recorded two albums and sold it primarily from the trunk of her car. After she died in 1996, her friends published her work and almost overnight, a painfully shy, simple woman gifted with an angelic voice became a full-fledged legend. Her albums have now sold o... posted on May 06 2004, 900 reads


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Our love is sooo big. It has room for everybody.
Cari Tuna

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