commented  rated  emailed  read  recent 


Here and Now
... posted on Jul 26 2004, 625 reads


We Cannot Understand
... posted on Jul 12 2004, 579 reads


... posted on Jul 11 2004, 531 reads


Giver and Receiver
... posted on Jul 05 2004, 813 reads


To Be Free
... posted on Jun 28 2004, 550 reads


If You Are Remarkable
... posted on Jun 27 2004, 584 reads


Eliminate the Unnecessary
... posted on Jun 22 2004, 564 reads


Can't Be Told
... posted on Jun 21 2004, 546 reads


Enlightenment Right Now
... posted on Jun 20 2004, 621 reads


The Great Work
... posted on Jun 14 2004, 2,167 reads


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It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.
Author Unknown

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