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... posted on Oct 03 2004, 1,100 reads


Holiest of Holidays
... posted on Sep 27 2004, 580 reads


Remaking of the Self
... posted on Sep 20 2004, 583 reads


276 Pontiacs
Millions have watched Oprah daily, for 18 years. But to celebrate the premiere of her 19th season, she promised to do the "biggest thing I've ever done." Winfrey opened the show by calling 11 people onto the stage. She gave each of them a car -- a Pontiac G6! She then had gift boxes distributed to the rest of the audience and said one of the boxes contained keys to a 12th car. But when everyone... posted on Sep 15 2004, 1,384 reads


Obstacles of Life
... posted on Sep 13 2004, 2,346 reads


The Real Questions
... posted on Aug 29 2004, 734 reads


A Mother's Pilgrimage
He's walked 3,750 miles for the last eight years and he figures he has another 12 more years left, if he lives that long. Kailashgiri, also known as Swami, is taking an all-India pilgrimage. On his shoulders rests a wooden bar, balancing two baskets -- one with his meagre belongings and the other with his blind mother! Kailashgiri Brahmachari's mother has been blind from birth and he is now ful... posted on Aug 26 2004, 1,452 reads


Cycling For Water
It was in 1998, struggling up a hill on a cycle-rickshaw in deepest Bangladesh, that he knew his next big journey would be on such a machine. He just didn't figure he would have six weeks to prepare for it. In 2001, Jon Denner ventured on 2,088 kilometer trip across India to raise awarness of water and sanitation issues. Along the way, Jon also promoted the use of cycle rickshaw, created his ow... posted on Aug 17 2004, 948 reads


What Poverty Was
... posted on Aug 08 2004, 496 reads


In the Attempt
... posted on Aug 02 2004, 542 reads


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Quote Bulletin

I was taught by landslides, and caught by the woman I became, during them.
Lucy Grace

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